Justicia adhatoda
Adulsa, Malabar nut
Justicia adhatoda is a shrub with lance-shaped leaves. The trunk has many, long branches and the bark is yellowish in colour. Flowers are usually white and the inflorescence shows large, dense, axillary spikes. Justicia adhatoda can reach heights of up to 4 m.
Contributed by @Pushkraj
Partial shade
Very little water
Not Frost hardy
Rich and free draining
Common name
Adulsa, Malabar nut
Latin name
Justicia adhatoda
Tender perennial
5.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Justicia adhatoda
Justicia adhatoda is a shrub with lance-shaped leaves. The trunk has many, long branches and the bark is yellowish in colour. Flowers are usually white and the inflorescence shows large, dense, axillary spikes. Justicia adhatoda can reach heights of up to 4 m.
Planting young plants
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
It grows best in shaded or semi-shaded areas, and it will tolerate dry soil. It forms a good background screen to lower plantings and has a nice domed shape. It is known to be susceptible to phytophthora root rot - which can cause it to drop dead overnight. Incorporation of lots of organic matter into the soil when planting may help this problem.
Planting in containers
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Justicia adhatoda are well suited for growing in containers that can be brought into the house during the winter months in colder regions. When growing as a House Plant, your Justicia adhatoda should be grown in bright indirect light during the growing season (Spring through Fall), with a room temperature of 60°-75°. In the dormant winter months, move your plant to a cooler (55°) room where it will receive the full sun of a south facing window. Keep the soil moist at all times but never soggy, and feed every two weeks with a good all purpose fertilizer from spring to autumn. Set the planter on a tray of moist stones to provide added humidity.