Lavandula pedunculata subsp. lusitanica 'Lusi Pink'
French Lavender 'Lusi Pink'
Lavender produces a thick bush of fragrant purple flowers. Drag your hand across Lavender and you get hit by its unmistakable aroma. The foliage is a distinctive silvery sage like colour that's a great additional to any flower bed. It grows equally well in pots. If you place it on a window-sill you'll get lots of great fragrance wafting into the house during the summer months. Lavender is bee friendly so we can't encourage you enough to grow this wonderful plant. 'Lusi Pink' is a strong and durable plant with silver foliage and purple flowers with pink flags.
Contributed by @mgabri
Full sun
Very little water
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Free draining
Common name
French Lavender 'Lusi Pink'
Latin name
Lavandula pedunculata subsp. lusitanica 'Lusi Pink'
Evergreen Shrub
6.7 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Lavandula pedunculata subsp. lusitanica 'Lusi Pink'
Lavender produces a thick bush of fragrant purple flowers. Drag your hand across Lavender and you get hit by its unmistakable aroma. The foliage is a distinctive silvery sage like colour that's a great additional to any flower bed. It grows equally well in pots. If you place it on a window-sill you'll get lots of great fragrance wafting into the house during the summer months. Lavender is bee friendly so we can't encourage you enough to grow this wonderful plant. 'Lusi Pink' is a strong and durable plant with silver foliage and purple flowers with pink flags.
From Early Summer TO Late Summer
Long lasting lilac flowers, are dense and appear on long stems. Lovely as a informal edging or small hedging plant. Bees love them.
From Late Spring TO Early Summer
Ideally you want to plant Lavender between late spring / early summer. If not planting in the ground you can plant it in a pot but make sure it's a decent sized pot (over 30cm diameter) and it's well drained.
Propagation by seed Spring
From Mid Spring TO Mid Spring
Sow seed under glass in Spring.
Propagation by cuttings
From Mid Summer TO Early Autumn
Semi hard wood cuttings are taken from the current years growth from late summer to mid autumn the bottom of the cuttings is hard and soft on the top. With a sharp knife take a cutting of about 14cms, remove lowest leaves, dip end into rooting hormone, and place round the edge of a pot filled with a suitable compost, water well, they must remain moist till rooted, place under glass but in semi shade.