Nertera granadensis
Coral bead plant
Nertera granadensis is not an easy plant to grow! It can be grown outside, but it still needs to be protected from direct sunlight. The temperature should not be too warm, although it should not go below 8C. The soil should be porous. If grown indoors, It should be kept in a bright, semi-shaded place and should not be left in direct sunlight.
Contributed by @tiggrx
Partial shade
Very little water
Not Frost hardy
Light and free draining
Common name
Coral bead plant
Latin name
Nertera granadensis
5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Nertera granadensis
Nertera granadensis is not an easy plant to grow! It can be grown outside, but it still needs to be protected from direct sunlight. The temperature should not be too warm, although it should not go below 8C. The soil should be porous. If grown indoors, It should be kept in a bright, semi-shaded place and should not be left in direct sunlight.
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
This plant has a shallow root system best planted in a shallow pot in a two parts peat moss-based potting mix with one part sand or perlite for good aeration. In addition, the plant prefers a bright semi-shaded exposure out of cold drafts and direct sun. A south-facing window is a good location away from the direct sunlight.
Flowering Season
From Early Spring TO Mid Summer
Flowers bloom and berries begin to form in the springtime, increase your watering regime to ensure moist soil during summer months.
Propogation by division
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Propagate by gently pulling apart clumps (divide) and transplanting them into separate pots. This plant may also be grown from tip cuttings in the spring or from seed. Transplant or repot in the spring and only as needed.