Nymphoides aquatica
Banana Plant
Nymphoides are deciduous, rhizomatous aquatic perennials. They bear rounded or kidney-shaped floating leaves, and solitary yellow or white flowers that have fringed petals. 'Banana Plant' is one of the easiest plants to grow. They do well in various water conditions, and need little light. A good plant for any Aquarium.' Banana Plant' will grow faster with brighter light.They can be planted, or left to float at the top of the tank. (if left to float they will grow much quicker, as they are closer to the light source). If you decide to plant your Banana Plant do not plant the 'bananas' - which are actually the tubers, where the nutrients are stored. Just let it sit on the bottom of the tank, and the roots will plant themselves in to the gravel. Banana plant bears small white five-petalled flowers
Contributed by @disneyfacts
Full sun
Frequent watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Common name
Banana Plant
Latin name
Nymphoides aquatica
aquatic perennial
5.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Nymphoides aquatica
Nymphoides are deciduous, rhizomatous aquatic perennials. They bear rounded or kidney-shaped floating leaves, and solitary yellow or white flowers that have fringed petals. 'Banana Plant' is one of the easiest plants to grow. They do well in various water conditions, and need little light. A good plant for any Aquarium.' Banana Plant' will grow faster with brighter light.They can be planted, or left to float at the top of the tank. (if left to float they will grow much quicker, as they are closer to the light source). If you decide to plant your Banana Plant do not plant the 'bananas' - which are actually the tubers, where the nutrients are stored. Just let it sit on the bottom of the tank, and the roots will plant themselves in to the gravel. Banana plant bears small white five-petalled flowers
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Grow in shallow water at the margins of a pool in full sun. Recommended water depth over the crown of the plant: 10 - 30cm (4" - 12") NOTE: This plant is listed on Schedule 9 of The Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order (1985) as amended, and on Schedule 3 of the EU (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 in the Republic of Ireland as an invasive non-native species. This does not prevent it from being sold or being grown in gardens in Ireland, but those that do grow it should take care with disposing of unwanted material. Finding alternative plants to grow to those listed is recommended.
From Early Summer TO Late Summer
The flowers appear in Summer,
Propagating by runners
From Mid Summer TO Late Summer
The crown sends out floating runners, which can be detached from the crown and planted to create new plants.