Opuntia gosseliniana
Violet Prickly Pear
Like most prickly pears, Opuntia gosseliniana produces pads that are flat. Unlike most prickly pears, they have a violet, pink, or red tinge, hence the name. The cactus reaches mature heights of one to five feet and blooms either yellow or red.
Contributed by @krisbrando
Full sun
Very little water
Not Frost hardy
Light and free draining
Common name
Violet Prickly Pear
Latin name
Opuntia gosseliniana
5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Opuntia gosseliniana
Like most prickly pears, Opuntia gosseliniana produces pads that are flat. Unlike most prickly pears, they have a violet, pink, or red tinge, hence the name. The cactus reaches mature heights of one to five feet and blooms either yellow or red.
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Most Opuntias will grow well in a general-purpose cactus mix.