Photinia x fraseri 'Little Red Robin'
Photinia 'Little Red Robin'
Photinia Little Red Robin is an evergreen, erect shrub with bright red new foliage which later turns dark green. It bears umbrella-shaped flower heads of small white flowers. Unlike the larger 'Red Robin' variety, this one grows to a manageable height of just 1m.
Contributed by @Tulip
Full sun to partial shade
Occasional watering
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Photinia 'Little Red Robin'
Latin name
Photinia x fraseri 'Little Red Robin'
5.6 - 7.3 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Photinia x fraseri 'Little Red Robin'
Photinia Little Red Robin is an evergreen, erect shrub with bright red new foliage which later turns dark green. It bears umbrella-shaped flower heads of small white flowers. Unlike the larger 'Red Robin' variety, this one grows to a manageable height of just 1m.
Plant container plants
From Mid Winter TO Late Winter
Plant container plants in a sunny position.
Propagation by Semi Hardwood Cuttings
From Late Summer TO Mid Autumn
Semi hard wood cuttings are taken from the current years growth from late summer to mid autumn the bottom of the cuttings is hard and soft on the top. With a sharp knife take a cutting of about 14 cms, remove lowest leaves, dip end into rooting hormone, and place round the edge of a pot filled with a suitable compost, water well, they must remain moist till rooted, place under glass but in semi shade.