Pinus strobus
Eastern White Pine
Pinus strobus are conical in shape but broaden with age to an oval crown. Its needles are soft when young and blue-green. The cones are long and narrow and broaden as they ripen and open out to release the winged seeds. The bark is smooth and dark grey becomes furrowed on mature trees. Cone production peaks every 3 to 5 years.
Full sun
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Free draining
Common name
Eastern White Pine
Latin name
Pinus strobus
3.0 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus are conical in shape but broaden with age to an oval crown. Its needles are soft when young and blue-green. The cones are long and narrow and broaden as they ripen and open out to release the winged seeds. The bark is smooth and dark grey becomes furrowed on mature trees. Cone production peaks every 3 to 5 years.
Planting young plants
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Dig out an area for the tree that is about 3 or 4 times the diameter of the container or rootball and the same depth as the container or rootball. Use a pitchfork or shovel to scarify the sides of the hole.If container-grown, lay the tree on its side and remove the container. Loosen the roots around the edges without breaking up the root ball too much. Position tree in center of hole so that the best side faces forward. You are ready to begin filling in with soil. Create a water ring around the outer edge of the hole. Not only will this conseve water, but will direct moisture to perimeter roots, encouraging outer growth. Once tree is established, water ring may be leveled.