Polemonium 'Sonia's Bluebell'
Jacob's ladder
Polemonium 'Sonia's Bluebell' is a deciduous, clump-forming, perennial with ovate dark green foliage.It bears clusters of scented,bell-shaped blue flowers.
Full sun to partial shade
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Jacob's ladder
Latin name
Polemonium 'Sonia's Bluebell'
Herbaceous Perennials
5.6 - 7.8 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Polemonium 'Sonia's Bluebell'
Polemonium 'Sonia's Bluebell' is a deciduous, clump-forming, perennial with ovate dark green foliage.It bears clusters of scented,bell-shaped blue flowers.
Flowering Season
From Mid Spring TO Late Summer
Polemonuim 'Sonia's Bluebell' bears clusters of scented, bell-shaped blue flowers.
Plant container plants
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Plant container plants into a part shady or shady site.
Propagation by Division
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Using a fork dig up plant, try to keep the root ball as complete as possible.split the root ball at the center with a sharp knife or a spade. Replant the plants to the same depth as the original and keep well watered until established.