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Tumbling Ted in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Saponaria ocymoides syn. Silene ocymoides


Tumbling Ted

Saponaria can be annuals or perennials, with opposite, entire leaves and small clusters of pink or purple flowers in late Spring and Summer. Tumbling Ted is a clump forming, spreading, semi-evergreen perennial with red stems and hairy green foliage. In late Spring it is smothered in small star-shaped flowers

plant Features
  • Tumbling Ted likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Tumbling Ted likes very little water

    Very little water

  • Tumbling Ted is full frost hardy: 5f (-15°c)

    Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)

  • Tumbling Ted likes free draining and fertile

    Free draining and fertile

plant information

Common name

Tumbling Ted

Latin name

Saponaria ocymoides syn. Silene ocymoides


Herbaceous Perennials




6.6 - 7.8 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Tumbling Ted likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Frost

    Tumbling Ted is full frost hardy: 5f (-15°c)

    Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)

  • Soil

    Tumbling Ted likes free draining and fertile

    Free draining and fertile

  • Water

    Tumbling Ted likes very little water

    Very little water

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Tumbling Ted is 0.45meters x 0.10meters 0.45 M 0.10 M

Saponaria ocymoides syn. Silene ocymoides

Saponaria can be annuals or perennials, with opposite, entire leaves and small clusters of pink or purple flowers in late Spring and Summer. Tumbling Ted is a clump forming, spreading, semi-evergreen perennial with red stems and hairy green foliage. In late Spring it is smothered in small star-shaped flowers

Flowering Season

From Late Spring TO Late Summer

Clusters of flowers appear in Summer



From Early Spring TO Mid Spring

Plant in Spring in moderately fertile, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun


Propagation by Division

From Mid Spring TO Mid Spring

Using a fork dig up plant, trying to keep the root ball as complete as possible. Split the root ball at the centre with a sharp knife or a spade, or by placing two garden forks back-to-back into the middle of the root ball, and pushing the fork handles lever the root ball apart. Replant the new clumps to the same depth as the original, and water well. Keep well watered until established.


Propagating by cuttings

From Late Spring TO Early Summer

Take softwood cuttings from new growth early in the day in Spring or early Summer. Cut, neatly, a 4" approx. piece of a non-flowering shoot, pinch out the tip, and cut off the bottom leaves. Dip the bottom of the cutting in hormone rooting powder, and carefully place in a pot of cutting compost with the leaves just above the level of the compost. Water, label, cover with a polythene bag, and place in a warm, bright place, out of direct sunlight. Take the polythene bag off periodically for a while for ventilation (at least twice a week)


Propagating by seed

From Early Spring TO Mid Spring

Fill a pot, seed tray, or modular tray with proprietary seed-sowing compost (John Innes Seed for example), or use 50% multi-purpose compost mixed with 50% perlite or coarse grit. Firm the compost and water it, allowing any excess to drain away. Sow the seeds thinly, with a finger's width between each seed, or sow one or two per module (depending on the size of the modules). Large seeds need to be covered with sieved compost or vermiculite. Small seeds do not need covering and in fact some need light in order to germinate.

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