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False Aralia Galaxy in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Schefflera elegantissima 'Galaxy' syn. Dizygotheca elegantissima 'Galaxy'


False Aralia 'Galaxy'

'Galaxy' features finely textured, dark glossy green leaves. This plant is an evergreen shrub or small tree. This plant is easy to care and maintain for. It can be grown outdoor in full shade or filtered sun during warmer months or indoor as house plant. It can be grown in ground, best grown in pot indoor.

Contributed by @greenthumbalina

plant Features
  • False Aralia Galaxy likes partial shade

    Partial shade

  • False Aralia Galaxy likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

  • False Aralia Galaxy is not frost hardy

    Not Frost hardy

  • False Aralia Galaxy likes rich and free draining

    Rich and free draining

plant information

Common name

False Aralia 'Galaxy'

Latin name

Schefflera elegantissima 'Galaxy' syn. Dizygotheca elegantissima 'Galaxy'






5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    False Aralia Galaxy likes partial shade

    Partial shade

  • Frost

    False Aralia Galaxy is not frost hardy

    Not Frost hardy

  • Soil

    False Aralia Galaxy likes rich and free draining

    Rich and free draining

  • Water

    False Aralia Galaxy likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown False Aralia Galaxy is 3.00meters x 2.00meters 3.00 M 2.00 M

Schefflera elegantissima 'Galaxy' syn. Dizygotheca elegantissima 'Galaxy'

'Galaxy' features finely textured, dark glossy green leaves. This plant is an evergreen shrub or small tree. This plant is easy to care and maintain for. It can be grown outdoor in full shade or filtered sun during warmer months or indoor as house plant. It can be grown in ground, best grown in pot indoor.


From Early Spring TO Late Winter

They need bright but in-direct light. A common complaint about schefflera plants is that they get leggy and floppy. This problem is caused by too little light. Making sure that you are growing schefflera in bright but in-direct light will help prevent leggy growth. On the other side, you do not want to place a schefflera houseplant in direct, bright light, as this will burn the leaves. Only grow outdoors where the temperature does not fall below 55F.

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