Sidalcea malviflora x 'Rosanna'
Prairie mallow
Sidalcea form clumps of rounded or palmately lobed basal leaves, with erect stems bearing more deeply divided leaves and terminal racemes of 5-petalled mallow-like flowers. Need support at about half the height in case of heavy rain. Sidalcea is reliable and easy to grow, and it is an excellent addition to wild gardens and meadow plantings. Grow Prairie Mallow plants in full sun to partial shade where it thrives with moisture and tolerates moderate water once established. The flower is excellent for cutting, and makes a great addition to the cottage garden or cutting garden.
Full sun to partial shade
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Prairie mallow
Latin name
Sidalcea malviflora x 'Rosanna'
Flowering plant
5.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Sidalcea malviflora x 'Rosanna'
Sidalcea form clumps of rounded or palmately lobed basal leaves, with erect stems bearing more deeply divided leaves and terminal racemes of 5-petalled mallow-like flowers. Need support at about half the height in case of heavy rain. Sidalcea is reliable and easy to grow, and it is an excellent addition to wild gardens and meadow plantings. Grow Prairie Mallow plants in full sun to partial shade where it thrives with moisture and tolerates moderate water once established. The flower is excellent for cutting, and makes a great addition to the cottage garden or cutting garden.
Planting young plants
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Plant young plants and seedlings straight into their growing position, in full sunshine to a partislly shaded site. The soil should be acid to neutral and should be moist but well drained. Ensure the prepared bed is free of weeds to prevent the plants from having to compete for moisture.