Sonchus fruticosus
Most Sonchus are annuals, with a few that are perennials, and, rarely, a shrub. Most have a basal rosette of deeply-toothed leaves, upright stems with clasping leaves and yellow, dandelion-like flowers Sonchus fruticosus is a subshrub native to Madeira, up to 2m., with bare, upright branches that bear clusters of yellow dandelion-like- flowers.
Contributed by @ForestBreathing
Full sun to partial shade
Occasional watering
Not Frost hardy
Moist and free draining
Common name
Latin name
Sonchus fruticosus
5.5 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Sonchus fruticosus
Most Sonchus are annuals, with a few that are perennials, and, rarely, a shrub. Most have a basal rosette of deeply-toothed leaves, upright stems with clasping leaves and yellow, dandelion-like flowers Sonchus fruticosus is a subshrub native to Madeira, up to 2m., with bare, upright branches that bear clusters of yellow dandelion-like- flowers.
From Early Summer TO Late Summer
Dandelion-like flowers appear in Summer
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
If grown outdoors, plant in a sheltered, sunny or partially sunny site, in moist, free-draining soil. Frost tender, but the root will often survive, even though the leaves are killed by frost. If grown in a container, grow in free-draining, loam-based compost, and place outdoors through Summer, then overwinter in a frost free place.
Propagating by seed
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Propagate by seed by sowing seed in situ, after the risk of frost has passed, in moist, free draining soil in a sunny, or partially sunny, sheltered site, or in a container.