Sparaxis Tricolour (Mix)
Harlequin Flower Tricolour (Mix)
Sparaxis is a South African native that bears brightly coloured, funnel-shaped, unscented flowers in late Spring / early Summer.
Contributed by @karyn
Full sun
Occasional watering
A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Harlequin Flower Tricolour (Mix)
Latin name
Sparaxis Tricolour (Mix)
Cormous perennial
6.5 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Sparaxis Tricolour (Mix)
Sparaxis is a South African native that bears brightly coloured, funnel-shaped, unscented flowers in late Spring / early Summer.
From Late Autumn TO Early Winter
Plant the corms at twice their depth in pots or in a cool green-house, or outdoors in a frost-free garden, in moist, free-draining soil or compost in a sunny position in late Autumn. The bulbs will not tolerate frost. The growing medium needs to be kept just moist - not wet - during the Winter, and then, as the leaves appear, still keep the soil moist, but not wet
From Late Spring TO Early Summer
Sparaxis flower in late Spring or early Summer