Spinacia oleracea 'Bloomsdale' syn. Spinacia oleracea 'Bloomsdale Savoy'
Spinach 'Bloomsdale'
In the same family as chard and beetroot, spinach is a leaf vegetable that can be eaten cooked (steamed is best), or young leaves picked and eaten raw as baby leaves, in salad. Spinach can be grown to produce a crop all year round. 'Bloomsdale' Spinach is a very tender Spinach has excellent fresh flavor in salads and can be cooked with vinegar dressing or canned.
Contributed by @Crysune
Full sun to partial shade
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Moist and rich
Common name
Spinach 'Bloomsdale'
Latin name
Spinacia oleracea 'Bloomsdale' syn. Spinacia oleracea 'Bloomsdale Savoy'
Leaf Vegetable
6.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When to harvest
full grown dimensions
Spinacia oleracea 'Bloomsdale' syn. Spinacia oleracea 'Bloomsdale Savoy'
In the same family as chard and beetroot, spinach is a leaf vegetable that can be eaten cooked (steamed is best), or young leaves picked and eaten raw as baby leaves, in salad. Spinach can be grown to produce a crop all year round. 'Bloomsdale' Spinach is a very tender Spinach has excellent fresh flavor in salads and can be cooked with vinegar dressing or canned.
Propagating by seed
From Early Spring TO Early Summer
Sow seeds individually 1/2" deep in moist compost in compartmented seed trays in Spring for Summer / Autumn crops, and in Autumn for Winter crops. (Make sure the variety sown is right for the season). Water after sowing. Alternatively sow direct in well-manured soil outdoors. Sow 1"-2" apart in rows 12" apart. Thin to 3" when seedlings are large enough to handle (Thinnings can be used for salads as baby leaves)
From Early Spring TO Late Summer
Thinnings, or seeds grown in trays, can be transplanted outside into well-manured soil, approx. 4" - 6" apart, then watered well.