Stenocactus multicostatus syn. Echinofossulocactus multicostatus
Brain Cactus
Sporting a globose, green stem with a flat top and growing to 15cm wide and up to 12 cm tall. The flowers are white with a violet mid-vien in early spring. Does not tolerate intense or prolonged cold but is hardy to -5°C if kept dry.
Contributed by @animamundi
Full sun
Very little water
Not Frost hardy
Free draining
Common name
Brain Cactus
Latin name
Stenocactus multicostatus syn. Echinofossulocactus multicostatus
5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Stenocactus multicostatus syn. Echinofossulocactus multicostatus
Sporting a globose, green stem with a flat top and growing to 15cm wide and up to 12 cm tall. The flowers are white with a violet mid-vien in early spring. Does not tolerate intense or prolonged cold but is hardy to -5°C if kept dry.
Flowering Season
From Late Winter TO Early Spring
This species will bloom even when quite small but needs a lot of sun.
Planting young plants
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
These are most likely to be sourced as young plants and they should be grown in an open compost of 1 part sand to 2 parts of potting compost number 2. Place in full sunlight in the greenhouse