Stipa brachytricha
Korean feather reed grass
Stipa brachytricha is a clump-forming grass with tall feathery silvery flower-heads that have some pink-purple tints. The foliage is grey-green, and arching. In Autumn the foliage becomes yellow.
Full sun
Very little water
A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)
Light to medium
Common name
Korean feather reed grass
Latin name
Stipa brachytricha
5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Stipa brachytricha
Stipa brachytricha is a clump-forming grass with tall feathery silvery flower-heads that have some pink-purple tints. The foliage is grey-green, and arching. In Autumn the foliage becomes yellow.
Flowering Season
From Mid Summer TO Early Autumn
Dense compact tufts of grey-green leaves from which smooth stems arise. Silvery buff-violet plumes, 12 inches long appear from mid Summer to early Autumn
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Plant from pots in Spring in fertile, light soil and in full sun. Alternatively, divide clumps and replant the divisions into their growing site.