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Japanese Pagoda Tree in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Styphnolobium japonicum


Japanese Pagoda Tree

Best grown in rich, medium moisture, well-drained sandy loams in full sun to part shade. Best in full sun. Tolerant of common city pollutants and conditions. Once established, it is also tolerant of heat and some drought. Newly planted saplings may not flower for as long as the first 10 years. It sports creamy-white pea flowers in long terminal panicles to 30cm long.

Contributed by @lisa530

plant Features
  • Japanese Pagoda Tree likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Japanese Pagoda Tree likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

  • Japanese Pagoda Tree is frost hardy: 23f (-5°c)

    Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)

  • Japanese Pagoda Tree likes rich and free draining

    Rich and free draining

plant information

Common name

Japanese Pagoda Tree

Latin name

Styphnolobium japonicum






5.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Japanese Pagoda Tree likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Frost

    Japanese Pagoda Tree is frost hardy: 23f (-5°c)

    Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)

  • Soil

    Japanese Pagoda Tree likes rich and free draining

    Rich and free draining

  • Water

    Japanese Pagoda Tree likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Japanese Pagoda Tree is 18.00meters x 20.00meters 18.00 M 20.00 M

Styphnolobium japonicum

Best grown in rich, medium moisture, well-drained sandy loams in full sun to part shade. Best in full sun. Tolerant of common city pollutants and conditions. Once established, it is also tolerant of heat and some drought. Newly planted saplings may not flower for as long as the first 10 years. It sports creamy-white pea flowers in long terminal panicles to 30cm long.

Propagation by seed

From Late Summer TO Mid Autumn

Seeds that are ripe can be sown as soon as the pods open, older seed will need to scraped at one end then soaked in warm water to soften. Sow into pots with clean or sterile soil, water thoroughly, put into a plastic bag or cover with glass and keep in a warm place. Keep a check that they moist, when they start to shoot place in direct sunlight and regularly water. They will have to re-potted as they grow and can be planted out when they are 1.5 to 2ft tall.


Planting Outdoors Spring

From Mid Spring TO Late Spring

Plant out when all sign of frost has gone.

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