Turnera diffusa
Damiana is a small shrub with small yellow flowers with a spicy aroma, in early to late summer, and followed by fruits tasting similar to figs. The shrub has essential oils in it that give the plant a smell somewhat reminiscent of chamomile. Damiana is cultivated commercially in Mexico.
Contributed by @beauhomefarming
Full sun
Very little water
Not Frost hardy
Light and free draining
Common name
Latin name
Turnera diffusa
Flowering shrubs or trees
5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When to harvest
full grown dimensions
Turnera diffusa
Damiana is a small shrub with small yellow flowers with a spicy aroma, in early to late summer, and followed by fruits tasting similar to figs. The shrub has essential oils in it that give the plant a smell somewhat reminiscent of chamomile. Damiana is cultivated commercially in Mexico.
Planting seeds
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Turnera diffusa, is not common at garden centers but you can buy seeds online. After the seeds germinate and the seedlings are strong, you can plant them outside or in containers.
Propagation by seed
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Pour a 2-inch deep layer of peat-based potting mix made for seed germination into a seed flat or small containers. Use a potting mix that contains perlite, sand or vermiculite for good drainage. Moisten the potting mix, then plant the seeds approximately 1 inch apart in the seed flat. Cover them lightly with a fine layer of potting mix. Make sure the top layer of potting mix is no more than three times the diameter of the seeds. Place a plastic cover or plastic wrap over the seed flat to help retain soil moisture levels. Water the seeds from below if the top of the soil begins to dry.