Viburnum sargentii
Sargent Viburnum
There are very many different Viburnum, and most are relatively easy to grow. They can be deciduous or evergreen, large, medium or small. Most flower in Spring, the clusters of usually fragrant flowers followed by berries, and often good Autumn leaf colours. Although viburnums prefer slightly acidic or neutral fertile soil, they are not that fussy, and will grow in most soils. 'Sargent Viburnum' is a deciduous shrub with 3-lobed, maple-like leaves, that often turn red in Autumn. In early Summer, flat white flower-heads resembling those of lacecap hydrangeas appear. The central tubular flowers are fertile, the outer florets are saucer-shaped and sterile. The flowers are followed by red berries.
Contributed by @Highcliffeplants
Full sun to partial shade
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Sargent Viburnum
Latin name
Viburnum sargentii
Flowering Shrub
5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Viburnum sargentii
There are very many different Viburnum, and most are relatively easy to grow. They can be deciduous or evergreen, large, medium or small. Most flower in Spring, the clusters of usually fragrant flowers followed by berries, and often good Autumn leaf colours. Although viburnums prefer slightly acidic or neutral fertile soil, they are not that fussy, and will grow in most soils. 'Sargent Viburnum' is a deciduous shrub with 3-lobed, maple-like leaves, that often turn red in Autumn. In early Summer, flat white flower-heads resembling those of lacecap hydrangeas appear. The central tubular flowers are fertile, the outer florets are saucer-shaped and sterile. The flowers are followed by red berries.
Planting Season spring
From Early Spring TO Late Autumn
Plant out pot grown plants in growing position either in the spring or autumn. Prior to planting, incorporate plenty of well rotted manure or garden compost into the soil. Plant Viburnum shrubs at the same depth as they were planted in their pots. Backfill the planting hole and water well to settle the soil.
Propagation by Softwood Cuttings
From Mid Spring TO Early Summer
Take soft wood cuttings in spring to early summer. Cleanly cut up to a 10cm long stems, remove lower leaves and pinch the tip out, dip the stem into rooting hormone, fill a container/pot with suitable compost, make holes around the edge of it and plant the cuttings, water in well, cover with a polythene bag and place somewhere warm, lake the bag off twice a week to air the cuttings. Keep the cuttings moist until well rooted.Harden off when well rooted and pot on into individual pots increasing the airing to let the leaves to develop. Remove rotten, dying or dead cuttings regularly.
From Early Spring TO Late Spring
Most viburnums flower in Spring, and some flower in Winter. Many have fragrant flowers. They flower on old wood, so pruning after flowering is important - pruning before flowering could result in no flowering.