Vicia sativa syn. Vicia bacla ; Vicia communis ; Vicia glabra ; Vicia nemoralis
Common Vetch
Vicia are annuals, herbaceous perennials or climbers. The leaves can be simple, or divided into small leaflets, often ending in a tendril. Vicia sativa - 'Common Vetch' - is an annual scrambling, twining stemmed plant, with curly tendrils. The leaves are in opposite pairs along the stem, and are oval and folded. The flowers, which appear in Spring until early Autumn, are pink-purple, pea-like flowers borne singly or in pairs. The fruit is a legume pod, 6 or 7 cms long, hairy when new, becoming smooth later, brown or black when ripe. It contains 4–12 seeds. This plant can be used as a green manure, or as fodder.
Contributed by @crestiesneuk
Full sun
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Free draining
Common name
Common Vetch
Latin name
Vicia sativa syn. Vicia bacla ; Vicia communis ; Vicia glabra ; Vicia nemoralis
Herbaceous Perennials or annuals
5.5 - 8.2 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
When to harvest
full grown dimensions
Vicia sativa syn. Vicia bacla ; Vicia communis ; Vicia glabra ; Vicia nemoralis
Vicia are annuals, herbaceous perennials or climbers. The leaves can be simple, or divided into small leaflets, often ending in a tendril. Vicia sativa - 'Common Vetch' - is an annual scrambling, twining stemmed plant, with curly tendrils. The leaves are in opposite pairs along the stem, and are oval and folded. The flowers, which appear in Spring until early Autumn, are pink-purple, pea-like flowers borne singly or in pairs. The fruit is a legume pod, 6 or 7 cms long, hairy when new, becoming smooth later, brown or black when ripe. It contains 4–12 seeds. This plant can be used as a green manure, or as fodder.
From Late Spring TO Early Autumn
Pea-like flowers appear in late Spring right through to early Autumn
From Early Spring TO Late Spring
Grow in moist soil, preferably in full sun. The seed should be sown in situ, as this plant does not transplant well
Propagating by seed
From Late Winter TO Early Summer
Sow seed in situ. The seed is hard-coated, and so, to aid germination, soak the seed in warm water for 24 hours before sowing. The soil should be moist but free-draining. Can be sown from late Winter to early Summer, and again in Autumn