Vigna caracalla syn. Cochliasanthus caracalla
Snail Vine
This perennial vine (grown as a houseplant in the UK) has fragrant flowers said to be reminiscent of hyacinths - with a distinctive curled shape, giving rise to the common names corkscrew vine, snail vine. It is the only member of the genus Cochliasanthus and was formerly considered to belong to the genus Vigna. It likes full sun and consistently damp soil. It prefers high heat and humidity. In colder zones, it does well in a pot if it is overwintered inside. Snail-Flower is a rather strange blooming plant, with flowers of a purple to greenish yellow, all spirally twisted, in great profusion when the plant is well grown.During summer it produces masses of large purple shaded to yellow flowers which are curled to give a snail-like appearance, followed by bean pods in autumn.
Contributed by @ellenmarygardening
Full sun
Frequent watering
Not Frost hardy
Moist and rich
Common name
Snail Vine
Latin name
Vigna caracalla syn. Cochliasanthus caracalla
5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Vigna caracalla syn. Cochliasanthus caracalla
This perennial vine (grown as a houseplant in the UK) has fragrant flowers said to be reminiscent of hyacinths - with a distinctive curled shape, giving rise to the common names corkscrew vine, snail vine. It is the only member of the genus Cochliasanthus and was formerly considered to belong to the genus Vigna. It likes full sun and consistently damp soil. It prefers high heat and humidity. In colder zones, it does well in a pot if it is overwintered inside. Snail-Flower is a rather strange blooming plant, with flowers of a purple to greenish yellow, all spirally twisted, in great profusion when the plant is well grown.During summer it produces masses of large purple shaded to yellow flowers which are curled to give a snail-like appearance, followed by bean pods in autumn.
Flowering season
From Mid Summer TO Early Autumn
The fascinating summer flowers from mid Summer to early Autumn are followed by cylindrical green fruits in late autumn.
Planting young plants
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant into 7.5cm (3") pots and grow them on in warm, bright, frost free conditions. Pot on as required into progressively larger pots using a well drained compost such as John Innes No. 2. Provide the twining stems with an appropriate support, such as a climbing frame, trellis or horizontal wires attached to walls.