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Viola  Pink Halo in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Viola cornuta sorbet XP 'Pink Halo'


Viola 'Pink Halo'

Original:Sorbet XP delivers a uniform plant habit and the tightest flowering window, making it ideal for bench-run pack programs. Breeding is focused on the plant architecture so you deliver a better-looking product at retail – superior branching means the plants cover the soil at flowering, with more blooms on every plant and less stretching. Fewer PGRs are needed, holdability is superior and shrink is cut way back.  Early-blooming Sorbet remains compact in both heat and cold, making it a standout multi-season performer. The free-flowering plants perform across a wide range of climatic conditions and have excellent overwintering. Sorbet offers the most colours of any viola series and the most choices available for creating programs, and landscapers can customize their mixes with novelty varieties. New:Viola is a genus of over 500 species of compact, hardy annual and herbaceous perennial plants. The cultivated species are all perennial. V. wittrockiana, the garden pansy is one of the most popular of all garden plants and is often used for bedding. The hybrids produce a wide range of colourful flowers over a long period. The open flowers consist of 5 petals which in the pansy types are rounded, and 4 of the petals face up, and one points downwards. (Violets have 3 pointing up, and two pointing downwards)

Contributed by @wwTigraww

plant Features
  • Viola  Pink Halo likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Viola  Pink Halo likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

  • Viola  Pink Halo is full frost hardy: 5f (-15°c)

    Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)

  • Viola  Pink Halo likes moist and fertile

    Moist and fertile

plant information

Common name

Viola 'Pink Halo'

Latin name

Viola cornuta sorbet XP 'Pink Halo'


Herbaceous Perennials




5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Viola  Pink Halo likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Frost

    Viola  Pink Halo is full frost hardy: 5f (-15°c)

    Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)

  • Soil

    Viola  Pink Halo likes moist and fertile

    Moist and fertile

  • Water

    Viola  Pink Halo likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Viola  Pink Halo is 0.30meters x 0.20meters 0.30 M 0.20 M

Viola cornuta sorbet XP 'Pink Halo'

Original:Sorbet XP delivers a uniform plant habit and the tightest flowering window, making it ideal for bench-run pack programs. Breeding is focused on the plant architecture so you deliver a better-looking product at retail – superior branching means the plants cover the soil at flowering, with more blooms on every plant and less stretching. Fewer PGRs are needed, holdability is superior and shrink is cut way back.  Early-blooming Sorbet remains compact in both heat and cold, making it a standout multi-season performer. The free-flowering plants perform across a wide range of climatic conditions and have excellent overwintering. Sorbet offers the most colours of any viola series and the most choices available for creating programs, and landscapers can customize their mixes with novelty varieties. New:Viola is a genus of over 500 species of compact, hardy annual and herbaceous perennial plants. The cultivated species are all perennial. V. wittrockiana, the garden pansy is one of the most popular of all garden plants and is often used for bedding. The hybrids produce a wide range of colourful flowers over a long period. The open flowers consist of 5 petals which in the pansy types are rounded, and 4 of the petals face up, and one points downwards. (Violets have 3 pointing up, and two pointing downwards)

Propagation by seed

From Mid Summer TO Late Summer

Sow seeds for V.tricolor and V. wittrockiana in mid to late Summer, either outdoors in a damp shaded site, or boxes placed in a cold frame. Transplant the seedlings into nursery beds, 4 inches apart until they are moved to a flowering site in Autumn. Seedlings sown in the cold frame should be potted up to 3 inch pots of John Innes No 1 and overwintered in the cold frame and moved to the flowering site in Spring


Summer or winter flowering

From Late Spring TO Early Spring

The summer flowering hybrids are in bloom from late Spring to early Autumn. Winter flowering varieties usually bloom from mid Winter to mid Spring, occasionally in the Autumn.


Planting Outdoors

From Early Autumn TO Late Spring

Plant violas in Autumn or Spring. Plant in any fertile, moist but well drained soil in sun or partial shade.

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