Fragaria x ananassa
Late Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Late Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 4

Fragaria x ananassa
Late Summer 2019
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas in #Australia when the make-do shade cloths come out ☀️ #summer #shade #strawberries #ineedapropershadecloth #thiswilldofornow

Late Spring 2018

Plants got some much needed rain today and loved it 🌧 I’ve got sooo many #strawberries coming! #strawberry #fruit #flowerbud #bud #spring #containergarden #milkcrate
Late Spring 2018

Milk crate babies 🍓 (strawberry plants number 7 & 8, who’s counting though) I am #strawbsessed #newhashtag 😂 #gyo #container #milkcrate #crate #containergarden #strawberry #strawberries #spring #fruit #newaddition

I wish I could get my strawberry plants to thrive like that. I usually have not been able to get them stay alive after a week of planting. The last one of two seedlings I got stuck around for a few weeks and then it withered away. I really need to reap at least a fruit or 2 at some point in my life! 😢... I have felt like giving up a few times but I really don't want!!! #strawberry #strawberryplant #strawberryplantproblems

@Keilak these haven’t been in very long so I’m hoping they do alright! They’re pretty needy plants. Aphids love them and almost killed a few of mine, but they came back okay. I’ve found that keeping the top layer of soil from dying out helps, mulch works a treat and water daily, I sometimes water twice a day when it gets really hot. I fertilise with Power Feed and Seasol every fortnight. #strawberry-advice I’m still learning a lot myself! Every withered plant is a lesson learnt 😂

Thanks @abbeyj...I wish you all the best with these, I sure they'll be ok this time around. You know I'm beginning to think that I have an pest problem as well. The edges of the leaves tend to get brown and then they wither away away one by one. During a period of rain they started to flourish, once the rain stopped and even while watering myself they died I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong
Fresh breakfast this morning 🍓 #harvest #strawberries #gyo #containergarden #summer #fruit