Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Late Spring 2017
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Late Spring 2017
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Late Spring 2017
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Mid Spring 2017
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Mid Spring 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

This is the last of her #redflowers I'll setup Spring. I'll collect the few seeds left once they dry alittle more on the stalk and start more a few wks before Spring. #canna #redflowers #upclose #multicoloredfoliage #tropical
Early Autumn 2017
Mid Summer 2017

Blooming Again!!😎Can't Hold This Girl Down! #canna #tropical #lily

@Acetaker don't even try!!👍👌😂😂😂

Gawjus 😍
Mid Summer 2017

#seedpods taken today. One had already started drying out😍 #canna #tropical #redflowers #cannalily #lily #multicoloredfoliage #redblooms

Do you lift the huge bulbs/rhizomes each fall? I've never grown canna from seed before!

They say for u to in zone 7 but I'm going to leave one or 2 and see. I usually don't but some canna are totally tropical. These seeds will go BK for next yrs garden. I have so many out now. I had 2 seeds that turned out the green leafed Canna...hoping it will flower to get seed from it B4 fall too. @KariSamuel

Aren't those pods picked too early?

No @Doomsdoor one of them had already started shedding putter color. But,I cut mine and let dry for a few days and keep a CK on them. I have cut these b4 and gotten quite a few Canna seeds and the seedlings were given away all but a few which were a bright green foliage that came from same plant😊 Hope That Made Sense.. lol 😄
Mid Summer 2017

#seedgathering time again. Keeping an eye out for the browning of these #seedpods, so I can cut them loose and save and plant. 😄 #canna #tropical #cannalily #lily #multicoloredfoliage #redblooms #redflowers #darkfoliage
Early Summer 2017

This is what I've gotten off my #cannalily,which has the #darkfoliage The #seedlings are: 3 #lightgreenfoliage and 4 #multicoloredfoliage and still counting. #seedpropagation #germinating #germination #canna #tropical #multicoloredfoliage #lily
Early Summer 2017

These 2 of 6 #cannalily #seedlings shown #germinated in 8 days. As these get larger I'll place these in the large front flowerbed and 1 in pole flowerbed. If all the others #seeds #germinate I'll put them in the Tropical Garden.😁😊😍 #canna #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage #tropical #germination #redflowers #redblooms #lily
Early Summer 2017

Lookie 👀 she's taken off with a Bang!! 6 Fluffs of #redflowers 😍 #redblooms #cannalily #canna #lily #darkfoliage #tropical #multicoloredfoliage

You have wow-ed me! Beautiful!


@stephanie050674 @hannahchristine TY! I'm still in Ahh that she made it through 2 60mph wind storms

If there roots are deep the wind shouldnt hurt it to bad im glad she made it very pretty dnt u just love the flowers cant wait till mine blooms

@hannahchristine I do love the flowers...Her seeds made me quite few babies this time,I'm lucky..never done it b4, so I'll have them here and! I just wished they were perrenial here..So going to quit playing with her!
Early Summer 2017

Got these huge #cucumbers out of the garden this afternoon... #yummy eating for a few days and have given away a few too 😊 #gyo #cucumbers #vegetable #mygarden2017

@Acetaker YUMMY!!!🥒🥒🥒🥒

Was just thinking of a cucumber salad fir dinner. Unfortunately our cucumbers didn't survive😞

Those look great!!

@seemore These are huge. U could have salad for 4!😂😂 @piratedeathray Thxs😍
Early Summer 2017

#red #redbloom #canna #macro #tropical #multicoloredfoliage #cannalily #lily #redflowers

Oh so lovely 😄😄. I hope when mine blooms it is this gorgeous.
Early Summer 2017

#canna #red #redblooms #upclose #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage #cannalily #lily #redflowers

@Acetaker oooooh!! Thats gorgous!!💘😍

Lovely, I'm waiting for mine to get that far !!

Thanks Gals! I've been keeping my fingers crossed though all these high! @ShelleySnyder @pottybird42
Early Summer 2017

Gathering #cannalily #seeds from the #seedpods to plant. #redflowers #redblooms #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage #tropical #canna #lily

That's about my ratio, too. But it makes me so excited for the one that sprouts!

Well,there 6 that were brown and 3 cream,the pods were ready so maybe they'll take off and grow quicker with being softer😍🙅

Do you wait till spring to plant? @Acetaker @jennlamaye

Hi Melissa!🙂 No,I'm planting now. When the pods become ready to take seeds,they r softer to nick(so moisture is easier to get to seeds inside),and germination I'd shorter(mine was 2 weeks). You can wait til Spring (germinate indoors)and place plant where I like. I don't know what zone u r in,but some suggest u b #liftinfall and some don't....I do know other ppl leave outdoors and make sure they r protected with mulch and leave some of the plant to help as well... I hope this helps youāŗ

OK, I'm gona try this when the seeds are ready

@momasherri Let me know when u do,Love to know how it goes 😊
Early Summer 2017

Looking good!😍 This is the mother plant to my seedling I posted before.😉😁 #cannalily #canna #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage #redblooms #redflowers #tropical #lily

@Acetaker oooooh!!💘😍

Early Summer 2017

The #seeds that I planted 2 weeks ago have #germinated and 1 #seedling has peeked through...YAYYY!😁😊#canna #newgrowth #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage #cannalily #canna #tropical #lily #redblooms #redflowers

You have amazing talent and must have super soil to have everything germinate so well 👌👌

@Acetaker 2 weeks? Really? Are you sure it's not the aliens messin with you?😂😂😂😂💘😍


Thx! @Keely,all I did was 1)Soaked the seeds for 48 hrs after knicking the seed with a knife,so the water could be absorbed by seed. The seeds are hard as cement,so u have to do it. 2) Placed seeds in soil. All I had in pot was reg topsoil with a small amt. of humus mixed in, took a pencil,made a 3in hole,dropped anf covered in soil and soaked the soil and Tada!! It was just rare to have them germinate. I had 4 seeds and so far just the one has popped up.😍 Shelley @ShelleySnyder cont.

I think they came by but only sprinkled white dust over 1and not the 3 others!!😂😂😂

Early Summer 2017

Working in the flowerbeds yesterday and ran across 1 section with this dry #cannalily #seedpod I hope the #seeds 🌱 from this #canna grow well.😍 #collage #tropical #redflowers #redblooms #lily #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage
Late Spring 2017

#canna #seeds prepped by nicking the shell with sand paper or anything u choose,they r hard so b careful,and #soakingseed overnight to plant the next day. Whew..hope I get lucky😆 #advice #cannaadvice #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage #redblooms #redflowers #tropical #cannalily #lily

Hope you are, too

Planted these yesturday 6/14/17 so wait and watch with fingers crossed. @jennlamaye @carolgs @lesliecole49 @columbiariver @lovestogarden @KariSamuel

Keep us up dated

I sure will Carol! @carolgs

Mine germinate pretty quickly under the grow lights. I'll take a pic! I just need more dirt! Lol.

@jennlamaye Ok hope mine even still even in the area where the pots are. The storm that came through made a mess of all my beds,garden and pots. I'm so frustrated!! Your kindness of giving has all upside down. Fingers crossed the the seedlings will pop up under the dirt messes from the wind and rain.. ERR!😥 My bk

@jennlamaye Ok hope mine even still even in the area where the pots are. The storm that came through made a mess of all my beds,garden and pots. I'm so frustrated!! Your kindness of giving has all upside down. Fingers crossed the the seedlings will pop up under the dirt messes from the wind and rain.. ERR!😥 My hopes are here and there for my 2nd attempt at a lovely veggie garden and flowers.

@Acetaker I'm bummed! I just potted up all my canna lilies today! I could have sent some of the seeds that hadn't quite germinated, but now I don't know what pots they're in. :(

That's fine Jenn..thxs for the thought. Keep me posted on how they r doing😁 @jennlamaye

Just saw your pic of the canna seeds. The morning glory seeds look like that. I can't tell the size in the canna, you can alittle but obviously the morning glory seed will be smaller but not real real small

Late Spring 2017

This is the #seedpod and #seeds that form after it flowers. I'm going to take a chance at growing them. Yall keep 🙅 for me and 🙇 and 👀 #canna #redflower

@cyndi lol..I collected those but haven't gotten to collecting the ones on it yet,gotta go CK..I can say I hopefully will have some next yr..heheā£ļø😍 Could u send me more of the spider plant,plz😍 The babies u sent me are dying. Somehow..don't know. I'm suspecting a worm or bug(I know big selection of both.).ā¹ļø😢😭 I think one little piece I can save. It gets was just bought soil and ok put sand in all my soil..I'm so upset and crying. It's really upset me to the fullest.ā¬ļø

I may just needed to cry. Cyndi, I'm hurting so bad etc etc,and i guess this just set me off. @cyndi

I didn't do either..they were so full and now I'm Soo upset girl!!ā¹ļø😳😢 @cyndi i know u r tight and didn't mean anything by asking. U have a Great 💓 and u do what u need to sweety..I'll still b here 💕

I know u will..I was sure u had told some u would send out goodies. If u can is what I always mean Sweety..I'm here when or if..U know that 😍 hehe! Hugs🤗 and Love💕
Late Spring 2017

I'm going to plant these #seeds from the #seedpods of my #canna ,that have formed after flowering. I've heard its,hard but worth the try.😊 #seedcollecting #canna #redflowers #redblooms #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage #cannalily #tropical #lily

@Acetaker I tried for the first time this year because "Why not?" They're free. :) I got almost all my seeds to germinate, but then rotted out a majority of them by over watering... However, I have one beautiful plant nearly 1.5 feet tall in my yard now, and I gave the other survivor to a friend. I was pretty proud of myself. I'd do it again!

Great Job Jenn! @jennlamaye They say it really hard to do this. Did u wait til the pods browned on the plant?

I did, I waited until they dried. :)

Actually, it was by chance... I was waiting for my husband at a doctor's appointment and found them on a walk. ;-)

Cool Jenn! U sound as I do..if I find it I get😉😁 Doing that and using is how I got my garden started. Then,I found friends like yall..those are the Best! 😆💖 @jennlamaye
Mid Spring 2017

It won't be long and this baby will be showing her color! #canna #leaves #upclose #macro #liftinfall #redflowers #redblooms #cannalily #lily #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage #tropical

@columbiariver I think this is Orange...but waitung...hehe! She's a small canna,hoping it may get alittle larger but will do fine if she doesn't.
Mid Spring 2017

Found this at a nursery that had been neglected.😬 So,nursing it bk with no idea of her color bloom. I will have another SURPRISE for my garden this yr! Yayyy! 😍😀 #canna #macro #liftinfall #springgarden #upclose #cannalily #lily #tropical

I rehabilitate plants too 🤣

@KarCad it's fun trying to bring them bk with love to their respective of how Mother Nature had them😆

@Acetaker - I like trying too! I've found several on the Lowe's mark down rack for $1 or $3 that literally just looked liked they weren't watered....somewhat withered but not totally fried (aka dead & beyond repair). I took off the dead leaves & repotted & watered & have been pretty successful so far

Fab! @KarCad I'm sure u get the same looks👀I do when saving😲!😂

LOL! Funny thing is I'm a nurse/RN for my job 😂😂😂 @Acetaker ... i am always try to save people, plants, animals Lol 😳😁😂

Orange flower bronzed leaf canna lily i hv those very pretty

@KarCad So Sorry Karen,I just saw your post..😯 Well, I just hope bandaids aren't used😲!😂 I say that because I use to when younger o took them and put them on anything that had a!😊😂
I love seeing #newgrowth on this #cannalily 🤔Will I see her #redflowers ...I really do hope so,before the first freezeā£ļø #canna #tropical #redblooms #lily #darkfoliage #multicoloredfoliage
@acetaker. When do you expect a freeze? We've already been having frost warnings!ā
Here u never know. The weather changes from day to day. As if Monday they said low 40s and high 70s with a North wind blowing,which the feel like is making it colder to!. But a couple of nights it looks to be dipping into the 30s. Alabama has freaky weather.. bwahaha!! @kimguy