Hibiscus grandiflorus
Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

My #swamphibiscus #seedlings have taken off since the last rain.😍

Thxs @cyndi😁 I need to come visit and get ya to rub some of your green thumb onto my hands and to spend some Great Time with A Fab Friend..🤔 Think,Think(As Pooh Bear would say..hehe!)🤗🤗

Not as great as yours girl..hehe! @cyndi
This one tiny #seedling of #texasstarhibiscus has been holding its own. #swamphibiscus #starshapedflowers #redflowers
Doesn't seems to that tiny 😊
I've got a nodding hibiscus that you have to remind me to share with you once it multiplies! I've also got tons of these seeds if you'd like to grow more lol
I've got a few of these I was going to try to grow in Spring. I had just put 4 in the ground and 2 tiny ones are just hanging around. I don't know if they will come bk since they r'nt mature. Do u have a pic of the Hibiscus u r talking of? I want to try to start a bed of different Hibiscus and Daylilies next yr. I think it may look good together. What do u think? @pretty_paws_29
I don't have a pic of it, mine's still a small one in a pot in the greenhouse. I'll find a pic and tag you in it though. Ok, I got a pic of the blooms posted for you @Acetaker
@Acetaker I think that's a great idea! Mainly because I have a garden bed like that too lol!
Great Minds think Alike! @pretty_paws_29 BTW,were uh able to get all the types Daylily bulbs etc up for me?
@Acetaker I'm lifting and dividing those next week and I've got your list out and ready for when I do lol.
Ohh,ok. I didn't know if u would be doing it now or Spring...lol! How long can it be hat u can plant them in the ground in fall?
@pretty_paws_29 I want some of all your pretty Daylilies 😊😘
@Acetaker as long as we can get maybe two weeks of no hard freezes we can get them up and re-planted now. They'll also store until spring, and grow inside lol if we can't get that long.
Cool!! Sounds like a plan to me Girl!😊