Hibiscus grandiflorus
Swamp Hibiscus
Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Late Spring 2017
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Hibiscus grandiflorus
Early Autumn 2018
Early Autumn 2018

I know some are calling this a Kanaf plant. Mine is taking off I love that it’s starting to bloom now until end of October @nej I wanted u to c how similar the foliage is?!?!😊💕

Looking good

@terrimclaughlin its pretty

@columbiariver I think it’s like you said “It’s not so hot”our temperatures are around high 84-88. Pretty nice and you can tell they like it too!!😊💕
Early Autumn 2018

Look at all that pollen!! I waited for a bee for wildlife Wednesday but no luck..... they’ll b coming soon! Everyone have a great day😊💕

You have a great day as well Terri!💘😍

@new thxs do u have these there called kanaf or Cannabinus hybiscus it nice cause they bloom, here in the fall😊💕
Late Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant

My swamp hybiscus goes into full bloom in the fall

Lovely color.


Deep colour 🌺like it 😀
It’s really starting to take off!! Not sure if you can see it but it’s going all the way down the side of the house! Love having this one for awhile still😊💕
@gjones I know I love these their alittle wild but their fall bloomers so it’s real nice😊💕
@cyndi it is cyndi and I got this plant when I was going to Palo Alto College for horticulture and I have Hannah some seeds and small plants and she gave you some. All I remember is my instructor told me it was called “Swamp Hybiscus” then Hannah found Cannabinus Hybiscus which made since. Which do u think is correct? Yours is HUGE compared to ours down here las I saw your was taller then your house!!! How have u been and how your finger and wrist doing?😊💕