Oxalis triangularis
False Shamrock
Late Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 12
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 3

Oxalis triangularis
Late Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

Sitting out on my glider this morning,I saw these #falseshamrock showing off it's #whiteflowers😍 I hate to see winter come.😏 #purpleshamrock #shamrock #oxalis #oxalistriangularis #oxalidaceae #trumpetshaped-flower #shadeloving #houseplant #annualinzone7 #photonastic #woodsorrel
Late Summer 2017

More #buds of #whiteflowers from my #falseshamrock ready to open..Still Smiling😃 #shamrock #purpleshamrock #houseplant #shadeloving #annualinzone7 #trumpetshaped-flower #whiteflowers #photonastic #oxalis #oxalistriangularis #oxalidaceae #woodsorrel
Late Summer 2017

I came home from doc visit..so upset.. I went on bk deck to sit and saw this waving at me...All I could do was smile... #whiteflowers from #falseshamrock #purpleshamrock #shamrock #oxalis #oxalistriangularis #oxalidaceae #shadeloving #houseplant #annualinzone7 #photonastic #trumpetshaped-flower #woodsorrel

@Acetaker hope you feel better soon!!!!! Xoxo 💘😍

#horticulturalhug coming your way!

*hugs* I don't know what's going on but I do hope everything gets better soon for you. It's amazing how therapeutic a garden can be.

We're here for you if only in flowers take care of yourself @Acetaker 💖

Hope the flowers sing ti you, let the leafs give you a hug.

@ShelleySnyder @columbiariver @KariSamuel @MelanieAt @cyndi @carolgs @thehardygardener Thxs for your Thoughts,Hugs,and Loveā£ļøIt's Great to know You are Here and There for me💕💞 I found out yesterday that I have to have surgery on my left hand and a small one on right foot (to take a out a screw from a previous surgery yr ago) I CAN SAY NOW I HAVE HAD A SCREW LOOSE ALL THESE YRS, BWAHAHA 😂😂😂 But,now I'll have to come up with something else when they take it out..😂 Gotta find the humor ā¬ļø

In it somewhere..😂😭😭 I will b kinda out of it for a few weeks,but I'll have hubby here for a few days after surgery to help me and giggle while I hobble on one foot and using one hand...What a Visual..💕 Anyways got to gather up things and tend to garden just as always..hubby loves to Garden so I don't have to worry about what I can't get done or do afterwards... Love and Hugs to You All 💞💞

@columbiariver did u say to cut flower off of this..if so y?

@cyndi..do I need to cut flowers off of this??

Bless awsome humour, you will be resting and enjoying your garden. Good luck wi surgery and awsome recovery

Thxs,Aly @thehardygardener
Mid Summer 2017

III..The Luck of the Irish!😍 #falseshamrock #purpleshamrock #shamrock #oxalis #oxalistriangularis #oxalidaceae #trumpetshaped-flower #whiteflowers #houseplant #shadeloving #woodsorrel #annualinzone7 #photonastic
Mid Summer 2017

Lookie @cyndi #newgrowth catching some morning rays. Loving your #gift ā£ā£ #falseshamrock #purpleshamrock #oxalis #trumpetshaped-flower #whiteflowers #photonastic #oxalistriangularis #houseplant #annualinzone7 #oxalis-overwinter #oxalidaceae #woodsorrel #shadeloving #purpleshamrock #shamrock

Cool! I'll b keeping a close ck...I put them both in this pot. @cyndi

Oooohhh mixed false shamrocks 😍😍😍 they're going to be amazingggg this is going on my wishlistt
My #falseshamrock is nestled in for the winter months. #shamrock #purpleshamrock #oxalis-overwinter #oxalis #oxalistriangularis #oxalidaceae #woodsorrel #houseplant #annualinzone7 #shadeloving #trumpetshaped #whiteflowers #photonastic