Oxalis triangularis
False Shamrock
Mid Summer 2019
- 19
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Mid Winter 2019
- 13
Early Winter 2018
- 6
Late Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2017
- 5

Oxalis triangularis
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Love the foliage on these!😊💕

Love the foliage too!💘😍

Love the contrast 💕🖤

Top in my wish list 😍 #oxalis
Mid Winter 2019

This one survived the cold too! A lot of little blooms 👍🏻😊💕

All looking good there 👍👍👍

Beautiful color! 💟😊😊 @terrimclaughlin

I love purple!!! These are beautiful. I want to find some. @terrimclaughlin fantastic.

Very pretty 💜💚💜

I love the contrast between the colour of the foliage and the flowers

@jeatacake thxs I’ll b getting those out this week sorry it’s alittle late I finally had to go in the hospital yesterday to have my blood clot filter removed. I’ll try to do it tomorrow!’🤗🤗😊💕

@PoppyBloom @alysha thx so much. I love the foliage on these and each year they get bigger!!🤗😊💕

@rosiebug @alan1111 sorry I’m alittle late in responding but Thxs for commenting I had never seen this plant until a few years ago and starting with a few pieces. Love the colors 😊💕

Oh Terri, do not worry. There is no rush at all, especially when you have far more important things go deal with 🙏❤👍💕

I #love this #oxalis

@jyotu I love them too! I got it when my horticulture class went to our cities “Botanical Gardens” I took a piece that had a tuber or maybe 2. Now I have a few pots of them. I think their pretty cool looking too!!🤗🤗😊💕
Early Winter 2018

I know I just posted this but a few more buds, bloomed!!!!🎄⛄️

Very nice!!👍💘😍

Beautiful colour contrast between flower and foliage 😍

Beautiful 😍

@kez001uk @gjones HAPPY NEW YEARS! Here’s hoping 2019 is even better 🍾🥂💥🥳

@terrimclaughlin thank you and happy new year to you too 🥳🥳🥳
Late Autumn 2018

So many of my plants are enjoying this cool air! Of course, these are under my, now enclosed canopy. 🎄⛄️

There’s a few tiny buds coming up!!🎄⛄️


Gorgeous foliage 😍
Early Autumn 2018

Their very happy it’s not 100 degrees 🤗🤗😊💕

Love this @terrimclaughlin

The leaves are the most amazing colour 😍😍😍

Just love this Terri!💘😍

Gorgeous😍😍😍 @terrimclaughlin
Late Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant

Oxalis triangularis

Oh my! Beautiful color combo!

For sure Oxalis 😀🌿🌸

I think there so pretty and different I love the leaves!!
Pretty little flowers!😊💕
So beautiful! 💕
@airborne10511 Thank you I just love these. Especially the foilage! I was lucky to be given a tiny bulb from our Botanical Garden here and I’ve had em ever since😊💕
@Summergypsy Thank you their such pretty little flowers!😊💕
Lovely flowers!
Delicate little things 💕
@ShelleySnyder Thank you. I’ve always like these!😊💕
@kaporyash Thank you so much. Their such pretty little flowers 😊💕
@kez001uk Thank you they really are delicate and such a pretty soft color 😊😊
The squirrels dug up around my wood sorrel last year and killed it. 😭 I knew there was a flowering plant I forgot to look for this year at the nursery! I need to start keeping a journal of my plants, I think!
Lovely little flowers the photo shows them off lovely 😊💕
@jkaisken I know, right!! It’s funny how we forget but it sure does happen 🤣😂😊💕