Coneflower (Rudbeckia)
Mid Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Late Summer 2017
- 6
Mid Summer 2017
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 5
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 3
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

This line bouquet of #coneflowers are growing in a bed that has just a few leftovers from summer. I hate to see these go to the cold. #blackeyedsusan #rudbeckia #yellowflowers

Very pretty 💛
Late Summer 2017

This show of #coneflowers is also another one that made it through this summers wind storms and cleanup. They are so #resilient and cant wait to have them in my garden next yr.😍 #rubekia #blackeyedsusan #yellowflower #yellow

@Acetaker . Chris, they are a beautiful yellow😆

Will do Girlie❣️@kimguy

@kimguy u still want some of these right?

Yes. I would love some. soon as I pull it I'll send u some.😍 Plz remind memory is so crazy..I bounce all over...hehe❣️ @kimguy
Mid Summer 2017

Now, I think the Aliens👾👽are back😮😲😰 I'm finding to much freaky stuff going on..lmbo! #coneflower #blackeyedsusan #rudbeckia

#mutant #mutation

@KariSamuel lol! I would say it may be mutation for sure.. bwahaha!!

👾 proof of aliens!
Mid Summer 2017

This is the Only One that came up in my #wildflower bed. It's now getting a fuzzy center. I do wish there would of been more. They are So Pretty❣ #rudbeckia #asteraceae

Throw more seeds next time. See if that helps any.🤗

@purplebird Michelle,I would hopefully had more if the 3 wind storms that came through hadn't of tore up my 2 wildflowerbeds. But ok want BK as I cleaned them up as I could and no others showed up..Always next yr though 😍

Sorry that the storms ruined your wildflower beds. I love coneflowers. Purple the most of course. I have lost many of my mom's wildflowers due to not being able to care for the beds. I too say there is always next year. Let's hope it's good for us both.🤗

Yes, @purplebird I do hope next yr is a good yr😍 for us😎😎 both❣
Mid Summer 2017

A new color #cornflower has popped up in the #wildflower bed. I left this and a couple other plants to go with seeds I scattered.
Early Summer 2017

Found this #cornflower in my #wildflowergarden hanging all alone. #yellow

Now that's a good find.@acetaker

I keep looking for more but no luck so far! @hammerhead
Early Summer 2017

#coneflower #blackeyedsusan #yellow #rudbeckia #asteraceae
Early Summer 2017

Ahh, the #yellow #cornflowers are loving the morning sun☀🌞 #blackeyedsusan #rudbeckia #wildflower
Early Summer 2017

Found this #cornflower #bud was peeking out from the bottom of the other #wildflowers #wildflowerwednesday

Wow that is interesting looking. Great photo 🤗

What a nice surprise that was!! Does it stay that way! Do you get those all over the plant?? It reminds me of tranchula legs!! I've been getting more and more creators in my yard this year!!!

Sorry not creators....wish I had some but I meant critters

Yep,I've gottem to..wish they would find another home. This is just the beginning of the flower starting to open. I'll try to take another shot as it begins to open more if the rain stops long enough @terrimclaughlin
Early Summer 2017

Still pushing on to stand itself up after the storm. #blackeyedsusan #cornflower #wildflower #yellowflower

It's looking great! Just deadhead the faded flower and it will rebloom.

@MelanieAt @RebekahJ Thxs! Will do.. waiting to really b able to get into the beds after it dries up abit.

The wet ground is always what holds me back too. I live on low land and after a good rain I have to give it a day or the ground is positively sqiushy

That's part of why all my plants go in pots right now. Really having to pay attention to shade and wet ground before I in-ground something
Early Summer 2017

Almost finish spreading her #petals. @MelanieAt here's a fuller pic of this #wildflower Found a few more while cleaning the bed up😍 Even more lovely with rain drops on her😍 #WildflowerWednesday #blackeyesusan #fuzzyleaves #yellowflower #yellow #cornflower #rubekia

Beautiful :)


TY! @MelanieAt @amoran
Early Summer 2017

#wildflower showing #colors of #petals off #fuzzyleaves and #hardystem #orange on #WildflowerWednesday #cornflower #rubekia #blackeyedsusan

@cyndi j hope it is..I love those..these, thank goodness, started to show after my clean up to the bed..And I've been cheering them all on😆

I'm going to hope for it to survive this rain etc we're having and I'm sure it will bloom fully where I don't get to see it do so...I love that process😆 @cyndi

@MelanieAt it's not fully open yet,so wasn't sure if it might even b a Blackeyed Susan. Thx for the ID. I'll tag u if I can get it to take a pic during all this rain that's coming out way☺😕😨😭
As a new #yellow #coneflower opens a night of freezing temps may take her beauty til next yr. #rubekia #springflower #yellowflower #asteraceae
How pretty!!! Mine are still blooming away and we're supposed to hit a true freeze tonight :(
We r in the freeze together!! @pretty_paws_29
@Acetaker it's 10:10 here and soooo cold. The chickens were just screaming like crazy, sounding like they were dying! So I bundle up, run out there, and they all just wanna be held, they're cold lol! So I had to dig out a heat lamp, get that rigged up - its SOOOO cold out there! How do we do this each year lol!? I can not deal!
It is beautiful Chris! It is cold out here with an earlier nonsticking snow. We had a freeze last night. I made sure the shelter was still full of straw for my feral cat- Hunter (He won't come inside). He ran back afterwards to make sure I didnt do anything to it!!! I won't be doing anything outside this winter. Brrr❄ @Acetaker. @pretty_paws_29
I know @pretty_paws_29 those chicken were a cusing u for letting them get a! I'm so glad I don't have to do it...I can't stand to get cold anymore. @kimguy I had a cat like that when I lived in Tennessee. She was a helluin!!
Hunter is a good boy. He lays in the front yard or in the driveway. He runs under the neighbors deck to hide, if needed. It is definitely his territory, he will not let another cat in his area. In the summer he loves to cool himself under the big hostas. @Acetaker
Awww,he sounds so much like My Goliath,he was huge and a big baby at the same time 😉😍
@kimguy @Acetaker My lily-cat is like that. She is a HUGE maine coon mix, and she owns the yard, the fields, the stream, and everything in between lol. I regularly walk out to her eating a squirrel or bird - yuck! But I love her to death, and she believes she is a lioness lol!
Sounds like our yards/fields are well guarded. Lol. @pretty_paws_29