Early Winter 2017
Early Autumn 2017

The last #starshaped #pinkblooms of this #stonecrop shine in their corner of the garden🔆 #macro #sedum

Very pretty!

So cute! 💕
The #white and #pink #stonecrop is doing well. Already peeking through from being brought in from garden.
I planted mine out this year after being in a pot for about 4 years. I noticed a few days ago, new growth too. Makes me happy
@lesliecole49 I chose to dig mine up this yr so come spring I will put them out in my tropical garden. I have some other plants to move out of the same spot I got these,but they won't be as much to gather and move..hehe!
Hi Chris hope you and your hubby are good,just wanted to wish you both a merry Christmas 😘🎅🎁🎉āØ🎄
TY SO MUCH! @daisy-jane I do hope you had a blessed Christmas and a Great New Yrs Eve!🥂🎉💕
Your welcome Hun and we had a great Christmas, happy new year to you too 😘āØ🎉āØ🎉
@Acetaker just wanted to share.. one yr. I worked and seeded and planted some babies in the ground and a pounding storm came and smushed all my babies so just be careful about planting them in the ground this was my experience I now put the in a 2x2 little pot and if it rains I can move them til they get alittle bigger. Your hard work is inspiring and ur yard is going to b beautiful take care and donāt over do it 😉😉🤗👍🏻👍🏻😘😊💕
@terrimclaughlin I won't be putting them out from a pot til mid spring when they've had time to adjust from being inside and get stronger. Sorry u lost yours. If you have anymore Pride of Barbados seeds or any Moses in a Cradle plants u could share I'd love to get more of each. My Moses in cradle u sent last time only 1 small one has survived and trying to grow. I hope u r well. I'm just hanging out trying and trying to keep going some. The aches of winter are getting me. Email or call sometime