Tillandsia secunda
Airplant (Species) Tillandsia secunda
Late Autumn 2017
- 1
Mid Autumn 2017
- 4
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 4
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 3

Tillandsia secunda
Late Autumn 2017
Mid Autumn 2017

My #airplant has #newgrowth on both Mother plant and #pup I was thinking on seperating the 2. What do u think? @lovestogarden #tillandsia #epiphytes #monocarpic #bromeliaceae #bromeliad #tillandsiasecunda

Wow! That's an air plant!? It looks huge!💘😍

It's a nice size with pup attached. I'm still thinking on seperating it?? @ShelleySnyder

Considering I don't know much about them, I'm gonna say it's probably a personal choice. So do you want two or one bigger one?🤔💘😍
Early Autumn 2017

My #airplant has #newgrowth I'm really having fun with this new type of #tillandsia #bromeliad #bromeliaceae #epiphytes #monocarpic #violetflowers #tillandsiasecunda
Early Autumn 2017
Late Summer 2017

Loving her kitchen window view😍 #airplant #bromeliad #tillandsia #bromeliaceae #epiphytes #monocarpic #violetflowers #tillandsiasecunda
Mid Summer 2017

Lookie at my new home😍 #tillandsiasecunda #tillandsia #airplant #bromeliad #bromeliaceae #pup #epiphytes #monocarpic #violetflowers
Mid Summer 2017

All Dolled Up,Janice!😍Placed her in water for a few minutes upside down,shook excess water off,and then air dry upside down for about a hour. Placed her in a pot of river rock,all I had available, and placed it in the middle. Now she's in my kitchen where she'll get filtered morning sun. @lovestogarden Do u feed yours? I've read u can spritz them with diluted feed every few mths. #tillandsia #tillandsiasecunda #airplant #gift #monocarpic #bromeliaceae #bromeliad #epiphytes #violetflowers

I have most of mine outside, so they get miracle grow thrown on them periodically. She looks great!

Cool! Hugs to u,Janiceā£I'll feed her next time by spritzing her bottom. The others are outside til the soil is completely dry. Then I'll dab them here and there once they r settled. She's sitting in rocks alone so no worries, hopefully,on her staying wet..lol!ā£ @lovestogarden
My #airplant just keeps giving #newgrowth I'm glad it's happy in her window. #tillandsia