Rain Lily
Mid Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

These #rainlilyseedlings are coming along well. They r real easy to #germinate The tiny leaf that's formed,soon will thicken and follow with the pinkflowers in Spring 😯 #rainlily #seedlings #zephyranthes
Early Autumn 2017

All My #rainlily #seedlings are doing great❣️ I put a few more seeds into the pot thicken it up some. I can't wait to see them all flourish well til Spring. #startingmywintergarden

Awesome! I've got to start some seedlings! I just got a wonder package from @treefrog44 yesterday with lots of goodies! I'm so excited! Got everything planted...and got tons of seeds too!

I'm great to here u love your gift😍 @PunkyKy u will have all kinds of fun this winter.. hehe❣️

We will have tons of fun this winter Chris! A total blast! I need more #growlights ASAP! Lol☺

Yes,Girl..I gotta get a light too.. @PunkyKy
Early Autumn 2017

#rainlily #seedlings are up and running 😯 with their tiny leaves🌿 #germination #startingmywintergarden

Wow I read they were hard to do. Can you say what you did.

These are pretty ive grown these but they never made it past this. Summer sun was too hot ive noticed these plants grow wild here @Acetaker

Cool! I bet they r pretty! I'm hoping to keep them going til Spring to plant in My new Shade Garden,well it gets some am sun. This is just the first day out of,baggie humidifier,so fingers crossed😁 @hannahchristine

@Acetaker yes there cute lil pretty flowes love the white and a lil pink on them. i have my fingers crossed for you #fingerscrossed

@ofthought I watered soil til it drains well,that has perlite and a peatmoss blended in ingredients,I also add a small amount of sand to it, placed seed about 1in into soil then cover lightly. I take a ziplock bag and cover pot,depending if it's a seed starter or regular one,to where it either can go straight in to close or u can place it over it and tuck it under bottom. Either way make sure that it doesn't touch soil,I've placed a small stick or pencil in the middle before for support. After⬇️

Placing in bag,I blow air into it and close. It will make a type of homemade humidifier 😊 Put where it can get indirect morning sun. Each evening CK to see that air is still in it. I'm am open and lightly CK top of soil with finger and if still nicely moist close baggie BK up. After about a week u should see tiny little leaves poking through soil. Continue with process til they are about 1in tall and then take baggie off. From there make sure the soil is moist not soggy. No more Spritzing⬇️

Water if soil needs be if u take finger and top of soil is dry past first nuckle. Only lightly water. BTW,The soil I buy has a Fertilizer in it so I don't feed mine til Spring. I do hope I explained it well enough. But if u have any questions just halla😊 #germinatingseeds ⬆️#germination #seedgrowth

Thanks so much for your excellent explanation of your method and time.

@ofthought I hope it helps ya. I'm going to plant more seed later close to Spring, since I know it works for them this way😍🤗
Early Autumn 2017

My #seedlings of #rainlillies is coming right along @terrimclaughlin I'll be taking off the baggie soon and watch them grow til Spring 😍 I'm already thinking of how it want them to go around my tree at my new sitting area. #startingmywintergarden

@Acetaker did you ever get an email about Carla's problem?

No I didn't. 😯 @ShelleySnyder like I had said I heard bits and saw bits then it was gone..
The #rainlillies are starting to fill in well💞