Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 7
Late Autumn 2017
- 2
Mid Autumn 2017
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 10

Mid Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

Id needed again? I'll post flower next

Again, I am not sure who provided the Id for this plant but it’s not correct going by the flowers in the ICN. @KelsiBriana @Muzz67

Yes I know it's wrong. Was just a placeholder @Yollymac :)

@Alcurtis93 - I am confused by your comment since the plant is currently misidentified. Would you please be able to use the standard Echeveria unknown as the placeholder for Echeveria as other users would look at this plant and misidentifying theirs also. We have had to clean up a few instances of this.

Sorry I wrote the sentence wrong. Yes have done that now thanks


@Alcurtis93 - I am searching for you for an Id as we speak. 🤗
Late Autumn 2017

Both my mystery plants are producing Inflorescence from the looks of it!

Mid Autumn 2017

Can anyone id this for me. Almost sky blue/ green with red edging. Looks almost like pulidonis but not quite same

@alovealoe or @succulentsplants @succulentandfriends ?
Early Summer 2017

Help me identify this plant #plantid @alovealoe or @Muzz67 or @succulentsplants ?

Pachyveria 'Claire' ?

I don't think so @alovealoe this is more blue than green in colour

Hmm there are so many hybrids and different nurseries have different names for the same hybrid plant. It does look like a pachyveria though

Grapto Amethorum @alovealoe Has the same leaf shape

This is nice Alex ! Not sure @succulentandfriends Bo any ideas ?

Hi Alex, plants have been out about 3 months , no problems so far...fingers crossed,i make my own compost mix. 🌵😃

What is it made up of?


Morning , ok i use 50% G P compost 40% grit sand 10 grit and mix it and just for luck a few hand fulls of Perlite , i mix lge quantities at a time . 🌵😃
Gorgeous 😍