Red Hot Poker
Late Summer 2019
- 9
Early Autumn 2018
- 11
Late Summer 2017
- 4
Late Summer 2017
- 1

Late Summer 2019
Early Autumn 2018

Seems like this flowered quite late this year but I’m definitely holding on to it’s colour 🔥💕 #redhotpoker #snappdraggon

Mine flowered earlier, but has just flowered again, strange times 😍😍

Haha very strange Jane. I’ve got more some more shoots with flowers this year. Think I’ll need to be careful with any frost and tie up the crown like I did last year... 🙆🏻♀️❄️🙅🏻♀️😁 @pelly

I remember seeing some near me last year that went on well past Christmas Alisa! 😯 nice bit of colour late in the year!

Oh, is that what you’re supposed to do? I didn’t know that Alisa 🤔🤔

I don’t know lol, I just did it last year. Can’t remember if I read it somewhere or just made it up hahaha 😂 @pelly

Ooo that would be splendid if mine did the same this year Rach! 🤞🏼 @rachelbrooks

I've worked out its water water and more water! Had a couple of dud years, but now in know they love moisture as much as they love sun. I have one in a very dry bed and one in a well watered bed with my banana, guess which bloomed and which didn't? Both have the same amount of sun. 😊

That's very late mine stopped flowering ages ago 😲

Ooo interesting Hayley! Thanks for the #tip 😃👍🏼👍🏼 @hayleyaj

I thought so too Angie 🤔☺️ @angiecrazycatlady
Late Summer 2017

My red hot poker looking much redder and adding a bit of warmth on today's blustery and grey day. 💨🔥

Thank you John 😊 @ukjohnny

That's lovely, I only got one spike on mine but it was in the wrong place, it's been moved now so I hope for better next year Alisa. 😍😍😍

Thank you Jane 😘 I hope you're pleased with yours for next year 👍🏼@pelly
Late Summer 2017

Looking forward to my new red hot poker with the very original variety name of 'redhot popsicle' 😜 turning red ❤️🤞🏼🍭
Evening Gtagers! 🧡🧡 it’s been far too long! My red hot poker is proof... only had a single proper flowering stem to it in previous years and this is the first year I’ve had multiple. Looking forward to catch up on your latest posts 😊
Well you will have a busy work and social life! 😉 see ya tomorrow busy bee 🐝😘
Loving the red hot pokers 👌🏼 they look great when they start to clump up
Hello Gary! 😁😁 hope you’ve been keeping well! @scaryskates
Haha something like that Rach! Really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow 😘 @rachelbrooks
Thank you Rich 😁 worth waiting for that impact isn’t it. Love the fuchsia you gave me- thank you so much! Will post a pic on here soon 😊😊 @richard.spicer.7906
Welcome back stranger!
Thanks Jacqueline! Good to be back! Hope you’ve been keeping well 😘 @awomanonabike
Thank you, yes! It’s been a fabulous summer. I hope yours has been too 😃😎