Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

Evening all, hope you’ve had a great day 😊 Have been longing for a verbena for a long time and am thrilled with this ‘candy cane’ variety 🍬💘🍬

Evening Alisa, great choice, it's beautiful 😍

Evening and thank you Christine 😊😊 I wasn’t meant to be buying any more plants with the weather being so dry but I had to have it 😬 @christineb

Evening Alisa, I hope you had a great day too, Beautiful flowers always make us smile, 😊 @AlisaJ

Evening Alf, I did thank you 😊. They certainly do and so nice to be able to share the joy on here 😀 @gosmanalf

Ooo that’s lovely 💖

Nice flower @AlisaJ

These are so pretty aren't they. You can take cuttings and keep them going in the greenhouse till next year apparently 😊

Thank you Julie 😊 well it is pink 😉 @juliesgarden

Thanks David 😊 @holdroyd1

Ooo thanks Angie- I really need to get the hang of tacking cuttings. Must try and see how I get on 👍🏼 @angiecrazycatlady

@AlisaJ wow, the colour! 💟
Isn’t nature amazing 💚 I literally had one of these flower heads in bloom yesterday and the leaves were starting to go a bit droopy with the heat. I gave it a good water with feed and the result is this, only 24 hours later! #natureisamazing #goodfeed #water-therapy
Yes Alisa it is amazing...💗
I can’t believe how quickly plants change and develop Elaine 💓 one of life’s little wonders. Hope you’ve had a great day! ☀️@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Never ceases to amaze me!
Haha I was thinking as I was writing my post- corr I’m getting very deep and serious about this! Glad it’s not just me who thinks it 😄 @rachelbrooks