Opuntia erinacea ursine
Snow Prickly Pear
Mid Summer 2018
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2017
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 4

Opuntia erinacea ursine
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

This one has shot up the last week or so. It use to be just under the top clip on the stick. Now it is taller then the stick. 😁

I think this one is etiolated. Especially since you said it's done this in a week. Opuntias do that when they need more light.

@KelsiBriana Ah, I see now. Yeah photos are tricky. Good eye.

@DonNotDonny it had its growth spurt after it got a good drink of water.

Yeah sounds normal to me now. Congratulations on its growth.
Early Autumn 2017

Close up of my very hairy prickly pear cactus 🌵
That looks really cool!
Early Summer 2017

I'm not big on cactus. But I do love the hairy ones. I just bought this hairy prickly pear and a local nursery. The tag also has a web site I want to check out. Cactuscollection.com

I like the hairy ones, too. They bring back happy memories of my childhood. Our retired neighbors had a cactus garden in their front yard and were happy to entertain a little girls curiosity

I can never find this here . My tortoises would love it. I'm gonna check that site that's you for posting it!

@janelleabella. I have never seen one before. My mom wanted another string of pearls and this one big nursery in my area sales them. So while she was picking out her pearl plant I was looking at the other succulents and cactus. Spotted this hairy prickly pear. It was the only one they had.