Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020
Late Summer 2020

My Dad mailed me a box of dirt! But to my pleasant surprise buried in the dirt were elephant ear tubulars. I am happy to say I was successful with them n pray this year, I can do it bigger n better.

Are you sure these are colocasia? They dont really have the right leaves. They look more like a #canna @ShelleySnyder what do you think?

@lesliecole49 I agree with you Leslie! Jennifer I am positive that what you have are canna, congrats on your success by the way!💘😍

Oooohhhhh. He got them from a garden club in IL n that's what they told him. Lol. His grew 6 feet tall. I'm going to look for his pics. Only question is the flower spike looks different than the canna??? Different variety maybe Canna Indian shot?? Thank you @ShelleySnyder n @lesliecole49

You are welcome Jennifer! These are a single flower, the others I'm sure you are thinking of are doubles and look a lot like gladiolas, canna come in lots of heights from 1ft. To 10ft. Tall, the garden club may have had some elephant ears as well and just got them mixed up,😉💘😍

Cannas are lovely and will multiply quickly if in the ground. Elephant ear (colocasia) bulbs are round shaped

@lesliecole49 thank you very much. Awesome help. I appreciate it so much.

@cyndi wow great catch and info. I think that's it exactly. Thank you very much. :)
So happy to see these babies. A feral cat decided the bulbs didnt need to be planted n dug them up 3x with a bite here n there