Chamaedorea elegans
Mid Winter 2022
Mid Winter 2022

Always wanted one of these! #houseplant Any #advice welcome about either of my 2 #houseplants 💚

I bought one of these last year - and amazingly it's still alive. I spray it once a week with water which it seems to like.

Thanks Charlotte and well done 👏 ✔ 👍 😀 @charlotte 💚🪴

Just don't give it too much sun, they turn yellow

Thanks, I think it will be OK in the dining room where I've put it then - it's away from direct light 😀 💚🪴 @hebelover

By accident mine is in a north facing hallway @hebelover

Mines in a South facing room but right in the corner, not near the window - I'll see what happens 👍🙂 @charlotte

Several years ago I bought a thingy majig. You stick it in the soil and it tells you if the plant needs watering. Was too late to save several of my house plants which I drowned but since then it has helped in keeping my few other house plants alive .

Oh right, I'll try a find a thingy majig aswell 😄 @charlotte

I need one of those thinga-majigs too🤣🤣

Thanks Katie, that's really helpful. I'll try my best with it! 😀 @gjones

Loving the shadows it’s casting💚
Still alive 2 weeks later 😅 #foliagefriday #houseplant #parlourpalm 🌿🪴🌿
Well done 👏 😍
Confirmed - btw love that pot💗
Love these, nice and easy going, unfussy 😄
Thanks all! Bought the pot at a local gc years ago - it was only a fiver, in fact most of the products in the gc are a fiver!! 🤣 That's what I like to hear Jason! 🤣 @KOutdoors @pelly @Auricula @hebelover