Clematis 'Ernest Markham'
Clematis 'Ernest Markham'
Mid Summer 2022
- 18
Early Summer 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2021
- 6
Late Spring 2020
- 10
Late Spring 2020
- 8
Early Summer 2019
- 3

Clematis 'Ernest Markham'
Mid Summer 2022
Early Summer 2021

Happy Tuesday! Love this #clematis that has just started to flower 💕💕💕 😃 #macro #closeup

Morning Ange, it’s a great colour 💞💞💞

Beautiful Ange 👌😯💕

Thank you both, I seem to have a lot of this colour! 😄 @pelly @flof1952

Morning again Ange … gorgeous 💖💖

Morning Ange 👋 Love the colour! 😀

Lovely close uo

Good morning Ange clematis are all gorgeous and doing well this year 🤗

This is gorgeous Ange 💕

Thanks everyone, very kind! @juliesgarden @italydiva @joannie.a @godfreye @debsgarden99
Early Summer 2021

#clematis 💕💕💕

Thanks Katie @gjones 💕💕💕

Stunning colour Ange 💕😯

Lovely Ernest 💕

Super dooper colour….

Thanks Pauline, Elise and Elaine, Ernest is having his moment! 😃 @flof1952 @Auricula @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 💖💖💖
Late Spring 2020

If anyone can #plantid this Clematis I'd be grateful 💕🙏😍

It's very pretty🤷🏻♀️ sadly don't know the name. Maybe @suerichards will know, she has a large collection of clematis👍

Thanks Celina, I'm going with Sue's suggestion of Ernst Markham 💕💕💕 @cee

Beautiful 💕💕

It's beautiful Ange

Yes, certainly looks like it👍



I adore that colour....💗

Thanks everyone 🙂 @midnightgardener @alan1111 @mejc @debsgarden99 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Late Spring 2020

This one's doing well this year 💕 unfortunately I don't know its name 💕 #plantid

Thanks Katie 💕💕💕 @gjones

@anges @cee could it be Ernst Markham. It is beautiful 🥰

Thanks Sue, when I had a google I wondered if it was Ernst but wasn't sure. 💕💕💕 @suerichards

It's another 'Pinkie' 😀💕💕

That's gorgeous, it would go beautifully with my Voluceau 💖💜💖

Yes! Yay! 💕💕💕🙂 @midnightgardener

Treat yourself Jane 😆💕 @pellly
Morning, Ernest is sending out the blooms at the moment 💕💕💕 #clematis #clematis-ernest-markham
Very generous Earnest💕💕💕
He is indeed! 😃💕 @Auricula
Morning Ange and Ernest 💗
Hi from both of us 😃💕👋 @juliesgarden
Morning Ange 👋💗💗
Morning Jane 👋 😃 @pelly
Good morning Ange Ernest is putting on a great show 🤗
Morning Enid, he's always the same 😃💕👋 @godfreye
Morning Ange…beautiful colour 👌
Ernest is looking marvellous. Lovely pink 💗💗
Wow! Beautiful! 💘😍