Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin'
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

As red as Red McRed ❤

That would look great!! 😊 @andromeda


@andromeda To be honest I've done absolutely nothing to it!! 😁 All its own work!

Thanks Jane ☺ @pelly

Don't see why not 👍☺

They're the redest leaves I think I've ever seen on a photinia ❤😍

😁😁 thanks Jeff - got 3 of them and they're all the same ❤ @jeatacake

I just have one small one in a pot (for now), but there are many around looking good right now

Nice one! ❤ @jeatacake
Hi everyone ☺Thanks to Barbara, @jacaranda I found out that Red Robin's flower!! I hadn't taken that much notice before, so when I went to have a look at mine, one of them was actually in flower! 😁 Thanks Barbara 💐 Have a wonderful Wednesday Gtaggers ❤
Morning Ange. Pretty little flowers aren't they ....never really noticed them before until my daughter got one. Enjoy your day 👋🌞
Morning and beautiful they are too 😍
Morning Pauline, yes they are pretty - can't believe I hadn't noticed them before 😁 @flof1952
Morning Keely ☺ thank you 🌸 @Keely
Morning Anges, they don't always flower, especially if you prune them but this year I have seen them in flower absolutely everywhere! I cut alot off mine yet it has still bloomed for the first time. I'm sure it's linked to last year's hot summer 🤔
They seem to be in flower everywhere, Ange, and some of the larger specimens are looking amazing! Have a great day 😍
Morning Denise, I don't take that much notice of them tbh - although I noticed how brilliantly red the leaves have been this time too. Thanks ☺ @Denise16
It must be a good year for them 😁 I wouldn't have looked at mine if it wasn't for you Barbara, so thank you 🌸 @jacaranda
Morning Ange, you too 🙋♂️🙋♂️
Morning Ange 💮
Morning JP 😊 @jpea