Foxes & Cubs is a wildflower but who could argue that it doesn't deserve a place in any garden with a proviso of keep it under control. It spreads like wildfire by runners but is easy to pull out when there's too many.
@tiggrx It may not be an official British wild flower but I can assure you it certainly behaves like it's in the Wild West with me. I do like it but it has to be shown whose in control. 😉
Foxes & Cubs is a wildflower but who could argue that it doesn't deserve a place in any garden with a proviso of keep it under control. It spreads like wildfire by runners but is easy to pull out when there's too many.
I wouldn't mind them in my garden @angipangi they are very pretty 😊
I took one from a ginnel on open garden walk in hope it will root it was saying take me as it was lonely, its a lovely flower such vibrant colours 🙌
It's not really a wild flower in the UK, not a native one at least. It was introduced as a garden plant and often escapes into the wild.
@tiggrx It may not be an official British wild flower but I can assure you it certainly behaves like it's in the Wild West with me. I do like it but it has to be shown whose in control. 😉
I let it run wild in the lawn but it's banned from the flowerbeds! 🙂