Pilosella aurantiaca
Late Summer 2016
Late Summer 2016

Help me identify this plant

Pretty as it is it's a weed I believe

#yellow #plantID @GREENFINGERSLTD ??

Would be great to see the whole plant like the leaf of plant

@tiggrx @PlantDoctor

Odd question but what do they feel like. As I have some kind of paper daisy that looks alot like this

It is Fox-and-Cubs (Pilosella aurantiaca). A garden plant that is rather invasive & often acts as a weed. Often listed by it's old name Hieracium aurantiacum.

@Vix when it comes up again I will let you know what it feels like lol

@GREENFINGERSLTD I took photo last summer so when it appears again I will take another pic 😊

Pam iv posted a picture of the paper flowers I have. Looks similar to ur one

@tiggrx is correct

I love these, despite how inventive they get. I have plenty scattered round the garden! @pam-f
Here is a better picture of stem, don't think it has leaves !!! It is growing up through a holly hedge