- Early Spring 2020
- 28
- 4
- Late Winter 2019
- 27
- 0
- Mid Spring 2016
- 3
- 1
Salvia rosmarinus syn. Rosmarinus officinalis
- Early Spring 2020
- 28
- Late Winter 2019
- 27
- Mid Spring 2016
- 3
#rosemary #herb
This is the best it's ever flowered and it does so when I've got to dig it out 😔
Can you still use the plant for spice? I thought once it flowered I could no longer snip off bits to use in the kitchen - is that true?
Yes you can Julie, the flowers are also edible. But leave some for the bees 🐝 👍 I shall buy another one to plant elsewhere. @jamincey