Lathyrus odoratus
Mid Spring 2020
Late Autumn 2019

Today’s all about seeds, big and small.🌱 What tips do you have for starting seeds? 🌱 Please share your success stories and your disaster stories and use the hashtag #seedstarting 🌱

Thanks for sharing @KathyB 🌱

How beautiful! Congratulations on your babies!! 😃
Loving this abundance of sweet peas! 💖♥️💜 They go perfectly with today's quote by Dan Bennett for #mondaymotivation “One of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a package of garden seeds.”
Thanks @crazychook for sharing your garden with us. 💜💖❤️
Great quote! My name is Susan and I'm a healthy gambler 😂😂😂
Congrats on the feature photo @crazychook
@crazychook congrats!💘😍
😂🤣😂 Susan! @novicegardenlover