Passiflora edulis
Late Spring 2021
Late Spring 2020

It’s the end of the month (already!). So what are your highlights? Is it a flower or plant or photo you’re particularly proud of? Is it a first plant or flower or fruit? Maybe something else like a walk you went on? Post your best of November and tag it with #bestofnovember 🌟 @thegreenthumb is pleased about her first passionfruit plant. So she’s hoping for a bumper crop. Any tips for her on growing passionfruit?

awesome 👍

@thegreenthumb passion flower is totally outrageous! Congrats!💘😍
Passiflora have some unusual flowers. And the bonus with Passiflora edulis is you get to eat the fruit! Yum! Thanks to @edmariebusano for sharing this beauty. 💜 #passiflora #passionfruit #gyo
@edmariebusano the passiflora is totally amazing! Congrats!💘😍