Passiflora edulis
Late Autumn 2022
Mid Spring 2022

I finally got a #passionfruitvine #passionfruit #possumpurple 🥰
I finally got a #passionfruitvine #passionfruit #possumpurple 🥰
I set my #passionfruit on top of this other pot for too long 😬 It already grew large roots out the base and deep into the soil 🫣🤫🙄 maybe I should try to break the bottom of the pot. Or maybe it stays there forever lol 😆
My potted fig tree did that last year. I felt so bad breaking the roots to bring the pot inside for winter.
@sushiwaitress and it’s still sitting there just like that lol 😂 I’m going to try to drill around and try to break the pot. Then I’ll try to push the roots and soil down or into a mound.