Senecio rowleyanus
String of Pearls
Mid Winter 2024
- 2
Late Autumn 2024
- 2
Mid Spring 2022
- 4
Early Winter 2022
- 6
Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Early Winter 2019
- 2
Early Autumn 2016
- 4

Senecio rowleyanus
Mid Winter 2024
Late Autumn 2024

You can see why this Senecio has a common name of String of Pearls! Thanks @thecullenabellon for sharing yours for #succulentsunday 💚 #senecio #stringofpearls #inmyhand

Thank you for noticing @ausgardentags ! Wow! 😇
Mid Spring 2022

I LOVE this potful of joy! 💖 Thanks @edmariebusano for sharing for #succulentsunday #pot #flamingo #senecio #pinkpots #succulentarrangement

@edmariebusano what a sweet little flamingo pot, love it! Congrats! 💘😍

#verycoolplanter ! But is it a flamingo, a pigeon, or even something pinque from the chicken dynasty?

Love the pearl necklace 😍🌞
Early Winter 2022

Wow, what a good looking specimen! BUT @plantytherapy is MOVING HOUSE (eek!) and needs advice on how to move all her hanging plants! Any advice welcome. #movinghouse #movinghouse-advice

Oh girl, good luck however you do it. Maybe gently lower the hanging parts into a trash bag tie or secure the top then hang the pot from a rod in the moving truck or across the back seat of your car @plantytherapy

@lesliecole49 thanks! I worry most about the burros tail, but know full well that I'll lose pieces no matter how careful I am haha fingers crossed it all turns out ok... 😬

I moved mine by doing it in a long van in the back I put boxes stacked up then ladders 🪜 lay down to slot my pots hanging baskets in the foot wells like if u get what I mean not a great explanation of what I did but it did work lol 😂 a few trips needed x

Maybe if u have a metal stand of some sort in stead of boxes that might work better tho x

@louisesimpson thankyou for the suggestion. I have already pre booked a self drive moving truck, seperate from the actual moving day. I have fingers crossed there are bars on the top I can hook them to. The whole truck will be full of plants 😅 I'll take a picture to show what I came up with 😅
Mid Winter 2020

It’s the end of July GTers which means it’s time to tag your best/favourite pics with #bestofjuly 🌟 This is definitely a #bestofjuly pic from @Devina 💖💛💖

Awwww thank you for the feature 🥰

@Devina congrats!💘😍

Fantastic 📷! @Devina congratulations 👏👏👏
Early Winter 2019

It’s not too late to post and tag for #succulentsunday 💚 Thanks for sharing this sweet combination @bec3 💚

This one is a lovely piece 👌
Early Autumn 2016

For the latest photos and new people to follow go to 'Latest' - if you follow them they may well follow you back. Check out @rosasbackyard 🙂👍

Look at you Daynah! 😊@rosasbackyard

Oh wow how exciting! 😄 @brightcolours @latebloomer

Thanks for featuring me!! @ausgardentags
Such a cool pairing of pot and plant! 💛 Thanks @plantytherapy for sharing for #succulentsunday 💚