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When I'm not on my bike, you'll find me in my organic-ish garden in #Cumbria. Favourite plants? Wisteria, hellebores, peonies, philadelphus...
8 Jun 2018 • #allium are so easy to grow and so wonderful, even once they are going over. I don’t dead head them as the seed heads are beautiful too! 💜💚💜
Lovely collage. I love the seed heads almost as much as the flowers!
Gorgeous 💜💜💜
Super collage 💜
Like little fireworks 💜
You have some lovely ones Jacqueline, I'm definitely having more next year 💜💜
Lovely pics..💜👌🏼
Thanks Rachel. Me too! They turn into tumbleweed in the autumn 😊 @rachelbrooks
Aren’t they Marilyn 😊 @lovemygarden65
Thank you 😊 @grandmagizzy
They are fab aren’t they Carol @carolgs
Thanks Jane. I started with bottom left (only 2 bulbs) which has now seeded itself. Top left is my newest 💚🌸💚 @pelly
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8 Jun 2018 • #allium are so easy to grow and so wonderful, even once they are going over. I don’t dead head them as the seed heads are beautiful too! 💜💚💜
Lovely collage. I love the seed heads almost as much as the flowers!
Gorgeous 💜💜💜
Super collage 💜
Like little fireworks 💜
You have some lovely ones Jacqueline, I'm definitely having more next year 💜💜
Lovely pics..💜👌🏼
Thanks Rachel. Me too! They turn into tumbleweed in the autumn 😊 @rachelbrooks
Aren’t they Marilyn 😊 @lovemygarden65
Thank you 😊 @grandmagizzy
They are fab aren’t they Carol @carolgs
Thanks Jane. I started with bottom left (only 2 bulbs) which has now seeded itself. Top left is my newest 💚🌸💚 @pelly