Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 4
Late Spring 2017
- 14
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 7
Mid Spring 2017
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 8
Early Spring 2017
- 15
Late Winter 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2016
- 16

Mid Spring 2019
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

I seem to have more #purple flowers than anything else at the moment #mayflowers
Mid Spring 2018

#allium #macro 💜
Mid Spring 2018

#allium First one to open this year 💜
Mid Spring 2018

I don't remember planting one this close to the banana #allium I'm sure things move in my garden 😂

The squirrels... 😉🐿

You've hit the nail squarely on the head @jennlamaye I've got a solitary daffodil by one of my other bananas and I know I didn't put daffodil bulbs anywhere but pots. I pile up leftover compost around the bases of the bananas in late autumn as a mulch which is nice and easy to dig in for my little furry friend 🐿

I swear it's them. They move my bulbs and leave me peanuts. Lol
Late Spring 2017

Quick question if I may, what do you do with your alliums when they are finished. Deadhead or leave them. #allium

This one hasn't finished flowering yet but several others have

Cut back to ground level 👍

Thanks @waynefaer Many differing opinions online. I was thinking they look a bit messy now they've finished flowering

I normally leave mine until they've dried out, then cut them and put them in a vase. I suppose it's best to cut them back @waynefaer ?? 🤔

First things first... #seedsaving! Free new plants for next year?!?

However, I leave things to die back naturally. It is beneficial for #birds and #wildlife for foraging.

Thanks @sieveheadsarah and @KariSamuel I've gone for the half and half effect. The ones nearer the front of the border have gone and the ones nearer the back can stay ☺

@vec I always leave mine on until they fall off,think they can be just as decorative when gone to seed. 😊👍🏻

I leave the spent flower heads in place until they die back as they look interesting, Julie, but it depends what else you have in the border @vec

Thank you @Leroybe and @jacaranda I had to relocate some #tradescantia today as they'd gone mad in the wrong place and I cut down 2 alliums. The others aren't in the way of the effect I was trying to create.

I cut some of my off today and then remembered that they look good as seed heads! Was quite cross with myself! 🙄
Mid Spring 2017

#allium or #alliums 💜💜💜 just love these nodding gently in the breeze
Mid Spring 2017

#allium out in flower. Lots planted at the same time but all at varying stages of growth ☺

So impressive! Mine are just about to explode, can't wait!

Mine are tall enough but no signs of flowers Julie 😯😯😯

Gorgeous pic Julie @vec love the flowers on these 😍👌😘

I'm sure they'll be out soon @pelly I've got some stubby looking ones with bigger buds on. They were a mixed bag from Morrisons so they will be a surprise 💜

Thank you @jadojado29 and @tomday8 ☺

Gorgeous 💜💜💜
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017

Morning all. Heavy frost here. I hope these alliums straighten back up again 😢

Morning Julie! Oh dear! It's the same here! I'm sure they'll be fine! 😀

Morning Ian @bigemrg I do hope so. Bit of a shock to the system being this severe. I think I've already lost the cordyline in the background over winter. Was leaving it in just in case it recovers and grows a new side shoot.

Morning Julie oh gosh we seem to be lucky up North had no frost I'm sure they will perk up once suns out 😄

Morning @Keely I'm so glad I put my dahlias in the mini greenhouse, just hope it was enough to protect them

Good move hopefully 👍😄

Whoops. If they don't they will look unusual when they flower. I'm sure they will 👍

Great shot 👍 👌
Early Spring 2017

Good morning all. This #allium is just starting to open. Lots planted at the same time but this one is further ahead then the others. I've been watering the garden for the last hour. We really do need some 🌧

Beautiful shot, you can almost feel the tension of it bursting forth

Morning Julia, great photo

Morning Julie plants will welcome rain water shame you haven't had any 😕

@Keely we've had one 10 minute spell of misty rain in about 2 months. We seem to be in a weird little area here that gets nothing although @jadojado29 who is 6 miles up the road gets some. Very strange 🤔

Morning Julie! Definitely looks fit to burst! 😀

@bindin40 and @sara2309 thank you ☺

Thank you Ian @bigemrg ☺

Lovely pic 😆 👍

Thanks @katgreen ☺

You are right there Julie @vec although haven't had any to speak of for ages now. You are doing great what i have to later get the hose out nothing in the water butt now and ground is so dry i can hear the plants calling out for a drink 😉😘. @keely 😘

Late Winter 2017

I've got alliums popping up everywhere #newlife

That's definitely a good thing Julie 👍😊
Mid Summer 2016

Ooh bulb alert 🌱 in store at Morrisons. Lots of daffs, tulips etc but these were in my wishlist as I don't have any alliums 😉

Ooooh! 👏 Thanks for the tip off 👍


On mine too! I was told they don't grow well in clay...I am putting mine in my bath! @vec

😂 on my wish list also Julie @vec I managed to get some the other day along with tulips & daffodils 😉 now where to plant them 😉

Going to chance it in mine @rachelbrooks Very little clay left in my borders, it's mostly manure ☺

Yes I have that problem @jadojado29 Ideally I want to plant a cottage garden border but I can't start that border until the summerhouse has had a new base

I'm visiting so many shops and garden centres seeing all these bargains on here 😂😂😂😂

I am in the process of digging up a border taking plants out so hopefully I will get them in there but it's so dry and hard I haven't really been able to do anything and that's with given it a good soaking I don't mind though I can wait @vec 👍

I bought some bulbs today Home bargains are doing packs of 'queen of the night ' tulips for 99p...

Good price! @harebell how many bulbs did you get for 99p do love the dark colour of queen of the night

Off to Morrisons tomorrow then with my £5 money off voucher 😂
These have suddenly popped up out of nowhere #allium