Ceropegia linearis subsp. Woodii
String Of Hearts
Mid Autumn 2022
- 9
Mid Summer 2021
- 12
Mid Autumn 2018
- 5
Mid Autumn 2018
- 19
Late Autumn 2016
- 5
Mid Autumn 2016
- 6

Ceropegia linearis subsp. Woodii
Mid Autumn 2022
Mid Summer 2021

Putting some cuttings in here was such a great idea…or was it?! 🤔🤔🤔 #ceropegia #string-of-hearts #ceropegia-lineariswoodii

Ooh lots of roots!

Yup! And nodules too 😃 …but only a teeny hole at the top 😳 @joanboston

Oh no, good luck getting those out Jacqueline 🤨

😂 I managed Sarah, but let’s just say I won’t be using that bulb again 💥 🙄 @sieveheadsarah

Bulb method looks good- but I can see the hazards🤔😜

Bolt croppers we’re involved! What you can’t see is the thick plastic rim hidden under the milk bottle top… Doh! @sieveheadsarah @sharonhayden

Well done 😀🙌🏼

I have a propagation station for this purpose 😊

⬆️ 😂 @sieveheadsarah

Oh yes, now I remember, I was wracking my brains trying to think of a bulb (flower) incident 🤣😂

Oh sorry! Yes that would make more sense given it’s GardenTags 🙄😂 @sieveheadsarah
Mid Autumn 2018

3 Nov 18 • Trying two different ways of propagating #ceropegiawoodii I’ve used the nodule method before but not the water method. Thanks to https://houseplantcentral.com/chain-of-hearts-how-to-propagate/ for the idea of using an old solar bulb 😍 #indoorplants #houseplant #propagation

Be interesting to see which works better 🤓👍🏼



Mid Autumn 2018

30 Oct 18 • Like so many UK #houseplants this is a subtropical plant (native to Natal, South Africa). Someone on here asked me when it flowered...end of October it would seem 😉😂 #tropicaltuesday

Wow brilliant

Thanks Sandra 😀 @sanmarino

Hey Rachel! Just looked back and it was you who asked how often it flowered... Another for your burgeoning #houseplant collection? 🤔 @rachelbrooks

Oh how cool is that?! What a bonkers flower! And heart shaped leaves too! Ooh how easy is it? 🤔 don’t want to push my limitations! 🤣

Oh 😲definitely not the prettiest of flowers but a masterpiece of engineering 😆

Very easy. Thrives on neglect. I’ll try and propagate a bit for you. I’ve done it before...though can’t quite remember how I did it 🤔😂 @rachelbrooks

🤣😂 I think they’re really sweet 🙄😬 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Ooh thanks! 😘 well it should do well with me then! 😆 hahaha🙈 I thought maybe layering 🤔 but it does say by cuttings in the encyclopaedia 🌱

It forms small corm-like swellings and I think I propagated it from these 🤔🤓 @rachelbrooks

Oh! Maybe, for scienctific purposes of course 👩🏻🔬 you could try both! 🤔

That is really cool!😎💜
Late Autumn 2016

A somewhat unexpected addition...

Specially for Rachel & Katie. This was taken almost exactly 2 years ago. The seed pod then opened to reveal tiny seeds wrapped in wisps of cotton wool. @rachelbrooks @brightcolours

It's so unusual! How often does it flower Jacqueline?

#rosaryvine-seedpod #ceropegia

To be honest Rachel, I don't know. It often has flowers on it in the summer but it has only ever produced a seed pod like this once. @rachelbrooks @linfoster
Mid Autumn 2016

Just had a trim as we keep walking into it #stringofhearts #houseplant #indoor

That is long! 😁

It's very happy!! #ceropegia #rosaryvine

I have a photo somewhere of the seed pod from last summer, which I will post when I can find it... @brightcolours @rachelbrooks

I’ve now realised that I don’t have any good photos of the leaves but if you scroll right you can see some other photos of it @mcmurraylou
If you have space for a hanging #houseplant I can’t recommend #ceropegia enough. And it flowers. In October! If you have a roof light, even better, as it loves light directly above it #hangingplants #hangingplant #ceropegia-lineariswoodii #ceropegia-woodii
Mine flowered a couple of months ago. I wasn’t aware they flowered before that Jacqueline
That are aren’t they Joan 😊 @joannie.a
Looking at my photos I think mine usually flowers around now. They’re unusual aren’t they. I love it @joanboston
Yes, mines around six feet long!
Mine must be too. It hangs down from the roof into the floor below. I have been trimming it when it gets too long but my OH got annoyed with it so just curled it back up into itself, so I’m going to try that for a bit 🤔 @joanboston
Geoff just picks it up when he vacuums and drops it back again😂
😂🤣 @joanboston